who became my wife . We ended up getting married in Northern Ireland eight months later . We ’ ve been married 35 years , and we ’ ve preached the Gospel together the entire time , in over 85 nations to millions of people , face to face — massive crusades to the Buddhists , Hindus , Muslims and atheists . We started when we were only 18 years old , and since then we have seen millions come to Jesus . We went to people that nobody else would go to . The Lord taught us so much , during those years , because our Bible school was the mean streets of the world : Amsterdam , New York City , the Bronx and Paris . The Lord opened up the doors for us to preach the gospel in prisons and have huge crusades and concerts in overcrowded prisons throughout third world countries . I want to encourage young people who might be reading this article : don ’ t let anyone tell you that God can ’ t use you . He used David when he was a youth to slay Goliath . He used Samuel when he was young to deliver his people from the foreign invaders . There was a girl named Mary who believed what the angel said to her and she humbly replied , “ So be it according to me , according to thy word .” She believed and became the mother of our Messiah . All through the history of the Scriptures there are amazing stories of young people of faith who did mighty deeds . God wants you to be like that !
Tommy Ray O ’ Dell and his wife Elisabeth have conducted massive miracle crusades and concerts for more than 30 years , combining Rhythm & Blues with the Gospel message . Their ministry has reached millions in over 80 nations , including the unreached in the 10 / 40 window .
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