(Eccles. 3:11), meaning we possess
a deep-seated desire and natural
inquisitiveness about what awaits us
on the other side of death.
between the current heaven where
God resides and the future heaven
where believers will dwell for eternity.
Although some scriptures indicate
that the direction of the current
But where are we to look for the
heaven is “up” (Isaiah 14:13, Acts
answers about what really happens
1:10), we can’t be too dogmatic
to us after we die? God has provided about this. It may be that the
us with a wealth of information about current heaven exists in a completely
the future that awaits Christians and
different dimension than we are able
non-Christians after death. Although
to see right now.
God hasn’t told us everything we
may want to know, He has revealed
However, there is a future heaven
everything we need to know.
and earth yet to be created,
according to Revelation 21-22. As
When it comes to near-death
I explain in the book, our ultimate
experiences we need to think
residing place will be a newly
biblically. This involves determining
recreated earth. Frankly, that gives
whether an NDE corroborates or
me a lot of comfort to know that I
contradicts Scripture, whether it
won’t be spending eternity floating
glorifies God or self, and whether it
around in an unfamiliar place, but
motivates the experiencer to know
I will be right here on earth in its
more of God and His Word or to
original Edenic form, as God originally
seek additional experiences. In my
designed it.
new book A Place Called Heaven,
I discuss the seven principles we
Kelinda: What scripture about
should keep in mind while evaluating heaven gives you the most comfort?
the experiences of those who claim
to have already visited heaven.
Dr. Jeffress: I often find comfort
in these words from Paul in 1
Kelinda: Most people have a
Thessalonians 4:13-18, and I often
concept of heaven being “up”
share these words to comfort the
and hell being “down.” Would you
grieving, bring hope to the hopeless,
share with us, through your studies of or to assure the doubtful:
Scripture, how this concept evolved
and if there is any truth to it?
But we do not want you to be
uninformed, brethren, about those
Dr. Jeffress: We need to distinguish
who are asleep, so that you will not
34 Solutions