in life, and since most Christians
view heaven as a future, far-off
destination, they often question the
need and relevance of heaven to
their daily life in the here and now.
Kelinda: What are some common
misconceptions about heaven?
Dr. Jeffress: There are three common
misconceptions about God and
heaven that have many believing
that heaven could be a worse
eternal destination than hell. These
popular myths are that:
1. God is a cosmic killjoy—
Those who believe this myth view
God as a perennial party pooper
and Satan as the life of the party.
Those who’ve come to that
conclusion are convinced that
heaven must be as dull as watching
32 Solutions
paint dry, while hell must be as exhil-
arating as driving in a NASCAR race.
But there is nothing boring about
God. He is exceedingly and eternally
fascinating: just look at the present
world He has created for us to
live in. Heaven is the place where
everything will be eternally good,
beautiful, enjoyable, refreshing,
fascinating, and exciting because
heaven’s Creator is all of those things.
2. Heaven will be monotonous—
Some people are convinced that
no matter how exciting the activities
of heaven may be, doing the same
thing over and over for eternity will
become monotonous.
But the activities of heaven will never
get monotonous—even if we do