Solutions April 2018 | Page 42

together. Remember that time is money. It’s easy to make a few extra bucks here and there by filling out online surveys, using certain search engines (like, and doing reviews. If you just need a little extra, this might be your answer (check out for some suggestions), but these will not add up to much money per hour, so evaluate your true needs before pursuing these side gigs with abandon. It might be that you need something more. ACTION STEP: Take a few minutes together and brainstorm your purpose in wanting to create more income for your family through a work-at-home mom gig. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom in what area to pursue. Download a free printable brainstorming sheet as part of the bonus content for this book at thehumbledhomemaker. com/sahm- book-freebies. Use the password icanstayhomewithmykids. DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS W hen you’re seeking the best fit for creating more income from home, it’s important to utilize your strengths. What works for your friend or neighbor (or me!) won’t necessarily work for you. God has created each of us with unique gifts and abilities. 42 • Solutions When we work out of our God-given talents, we will be so much more fruitful in our ventures. There are three personality assess- ments I recommend everyone take— the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Enneagram, and the Four Temperaments Test. Once you know your personality type, read up on what are the usual strengths and weaknesses of those types. This will help you cross out certain types of income generators (in my case, I would be terrible at data entry) and begin to explore other ones (in my case, it would be anything involving people or language skills). Along with these personality assessments, I recommend that everyone take the Strengths Finder test, which will give you an even better look into what types of work fit your gifts. ACTION STEP: Take free versions of the Myers-Briggs (16personalities. com/free-personality-test), Four Temperaments (temperamentquiz. com), and the Enneagram ( tests online. I recommend paying the small fee to find your top five strengths at the StrengthsFinder test ( when you can afford it. Use these as a starting point to discovering your God-given gifts.