Solutions April 2017 | Page 63

has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted, to pro- claim liberty to the captives, and re- lease to the prisoners.” God has recruited me to do the same, prompting me to share my story in the form of a book. It is a memoir sharing how my endured afflictions are being used for God’s purposes. I pray it helps other survivors reach the same understanding. As an immediate answer to prayer for the book, a female friend confided in me and my wife about the molesta- tion she endured at the tender age of eight. She had never told anyone until she engaged with us on the subject matter of the book. She said it was my transparency and boldness that gave her the courage to finally speak out. Her personal suggestion for the church in helping victims is to have former abuse survivors that have al- ready overcome such tragedy come alongside those who are still suffering in silence to help free them like she was. What an amazing idea. April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month. However, please keep in mind that the suffering of sexual abuse survi- vors does not limit itself to a month on the calendar. So, what are we going to do about this? Let’s be bold—to- gether—as the body of Christ. There is no better opportunity to provide a safe-haven for the wounded than in the church – a place of refuge rein- forced by fellowship, faith, focus and forgiveness, the components essential for their freedom. Thomas Gregory Stewart is a survivor of sexual abuse and tells his story in The Broken Scout: A Story of Abuse and Redemption (April 4, 2017, Redemption Press). RECOMMENDED LINKS Book: Facts: about-child-abuse Buy the Book! Solutions 63