way, He is not pleased that His lead-
ers today spend so very little time in
prayer. If public power is a result of pri-
vate prayer, then we definitely need
to pack up some more hours in the
closet before we come out! Spend
more time with God.
I would encourage every church
leader to spend at least one to three
hours a day in private prayer. A wise
man once said (I paraphrase), “The
busier the day will be, the more prayer
is required.” I generally prefer to spend
not less than 3 hours in prayer every
day because I am absolutely help-
less without the divine hand. When I
travel to minister at a conference or
crusade, I try to spend the afternoons
in prayer, and God never disappoints.
If in the natural, a cup cannot contain
the amount of water that a tank can,
then in our lives we need greater ca-
pacity through prayer to be able to
deal with life’s big issues!
II. A Life of Holiness and Personal
It is impossible to talk about pre-
vailing and effective prayer without
talking about holiness and personal
consecration. By this I mean more
than just morality or abstinence from
stealing, fraud, lying, fornication, adul-
tery, and all the others. By all means,
we are to be free from all of these
evils. But I am talking about a life en-
tirely yielded and devoted to God
through Christ, and one that loves
righteousness--a life that is being trans-
formed day-by-day into the image of
Jesus Christ. Remember, “Who shall
ascend unto the hill of the Lord?...
He that has clean hands and a pure
heart” (Psalms 24:3,4). Therefore, do
not forget to “let your garments be al-
ways white, and let your head lack no
ointment” (Ecclesiastes 9:8) because
the unction always goes with the con-
III. Encourage church to pray:
Additionally, I would encourage
leaders to make prayer an integral
component of all church activities.
There should also be prayer time
during church services. It would be
also very beneficial to have prayer
meetings as part of church programs.
If possible, all-night prayer meetings
could be introduced in our churches,
and these could greatly increase the
prayer fire. Finally, leaders could or-
ganize frequent prayer retreats with
church workers and/or special groups
in the church.
As we engage in prayer, I strongly
believe that we will see the supernat-
ural in our churches once again, and
the Lord will do more with us than we
could ever ask or think!
Bishop Charles Agyinasare is the founder of
Precious TV and Perez Chapel in Ghana, Africa.
He also serves as Chancellor of the Perez Uni-
versity College and has authored several books.
In 2007, Agyinasare received the MV award by
the former President of the Republic of Ghana
for his outstanding achievements in champi-
oning African excellence as a religious leader.
And in 2015 he was awarded The Global Lead-
ership Award from Regent University in recog-
nition of his efforts in raising leaders worldwide
and for the impact he has personally made
across the globe.
Related Links
Facebook: /Bishop.Charles.Agyinasare
Ministry: www.agyinasare.org
Church: www.perezchapel.org
Solutions 59