Solutions April 2017 | Page 57

be a Christian country – a country that in yesteryears blessed the world with her myriad missionaries and power- ful preachers like Finney, Moody, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, TL Osbourn, Morris Cerullo to name a few – is now advocate for almost every unthink- able vice in our generation. As the supernatural power of God left, the fear of God went along with it. (Judg- es 2:10,11) Should we then be surprised that few sinners are genuinely converted when we try to win them over with carefully calculated speech and en- ticing words of man’s wisdom? Why are we amazed that many are still sick and weak in church, when the heal- ing power of the Spirit has been cast out from many churches, and both Christian and unbeliever alike are rushing in helplessness to seek solutions from the world’s psychologists, psy- chiatrists, and surgeons? How many times do we hear that a church has stormed into a community bound by Satan through alcohol, drugs, and prostitution, and has reached out with the liberating power of God, not with only tea and coffee and “Jesus loves you”? Indeed, it is a strange and sad thing to find in the church leaders who are appointed but not anointed, much feasting without fasting, playing games instead of praying, teaching without demonstration, and doctrine without experience. So, without ques- tion, the supernatural in church and for the work of ministry is imperative. The Key to the Supernatural: Prayer But if the Church is going to experi- ence the supernatural touch of God, there must be one primordial element: prayer. I remind you that struggling and weak churches are not strength- ened by only organization, admin- istration, and good preaching, but by prayer. It has been said, “Prayer moves the hand of God”, “A prayer- less Christian is a powerless Christian”, and “No man is more powerful than his prayer life”. Prayer is essentially the source of supernatural power, wheth- er for healing, salvation, deliverance, or abundant supply and divine break- through. Throughout the Scriptures, it is unde- niable that all those who knew God and accomplished great things for Him with supernatural power, without exception, were people of prayer - Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, Jesus, the Apostles, just name them. Without prayer, every endeavor and activity would be done in human strength, and consequently will face human limitations. No wonder Jesus took prayer so seriously. And if the Son of God, who had the Spirit without mea- sure, had to pray, then you and I most certainly have to pray! I remember in the early stages of my ministry, I was so dissatisfied with the few results I was experienc- ing: a few people saved after much preaching; a few sick folk healed here and there; and no awe-inspiring Solutions 57