Solutions April 2017 | Page 54

us? If this is where you are, let me re- peat: We don’t have to settle for dis- appointment. A rich and satisfying life is not only possible; it’s waiting for you to grab hold of it. Although the path toward that kind of life is not the easiest—it will require us to strike out in an unfamiliar direction over difficult terrain—it’s the only path that will ever lead to life in the fullest sense. I’ve had one too many conver- sations with friends who see nothing compelling about following Jesus. All the Christians they know are beat- en down, have bowed out, or have grown bored. Most people I know aren’t looking at the lives of Christians and saying, “I gotta get me some of that!” In fact, for many, it’s just the opposite. Covering Up the Stink We can either face up to the fact that there are seasons when we are disappointed with our life of faith, or we can keep walking around talking about how great everything smells. But the cost of failing to deal with our disappointment is not merely that we 54 Solutions will get stuck in dissatisfaction and fail to fulfill our potential. We may discour- age others from pursuing Jesus as well. So if you’re living with an aching sense that there has to be more to faith than what you’ve been experi- encing, I’m asking you to take action to turn things around. Do it before the disappointment, frustration, or bore- dom gets any worse. There’s more to the life of faith than what you’re cur- rently experiencing. And it’s yours for the taking. Jason Mitchell is the teaching pastor at LCBC (Lives Changed By Christ) Church, a thriving church with locations throughout Pennsylva- nia. Through speaking and writing, Jason has influenced thousands of people to pursue Jesus with passion. He gets fired up about finding new and compelling ways to make the message of Christ relevant to people’s everyday lives. Related Links Facebook: /jasonmitchellwords Twitter: @jasonamitchell Church: Taken from Talk Yourself Happy by Kristi Watts. Copyright © 2017 by Kristi Watts. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. Buy the Book!