Solutions April 2017 | Page 48

spectacular presentation to the world . The praise and accolades that drove it to puff its feathers out while strutting its stuff , showcasing its awesomeness for the world to see .
Its unique color palette of feathers bouncing in the wind , beckoning onlookers to “ Look at me . Look at me . I ’ m important . I ’ m valuable . I am somebody .”
I was embarrassed to realize how uncomfortably familiar this was to my own life . Well , my old life . Even as a Christian I gauged my success , worth , and happiness on what I had , who others thought I was , and how I felt about myself . The pursuit of the “ I ” was destroying my life , and just as the quest to obtain a life of perfection was a fruitless endeavor , so , too , seemed my hope for a life filled with long-lasting peace , joy , and happiness .
Do not be conformed to this world , but be trans- formed by the renewal of your mind , that by testing you may discern what is the will of God , what is good and acceptable and perfect . ( Romans 12:2 esv )
Sometimes — a lot of the time — when we feel that our problems are insurmountable and we are lost in the midst of them , we spend days and nights begging God to change our circumstances when the truth is , what really needs changing is us . Point blank . Period .
How we think , what we believe , and what we say are all reflections of who we think we are , of what ’ s really in our hearts . When we look at what ’ s coming out of our mouths in our con- versations with loved ones and even in our talks with God , what do we see ? Do our words reflect an out-of-balance focus on what we perceive to be the ideal plans for our lives — in other words , our plans — or an unhealthy obsession with our worldly status , or maybe too much value placed on what our friends think of us ?
Usually , what comes to light is that the root of our problems has very little to do with things like the job market or our relation- ship status . It ’ s us . God needs to hit the reset button on our beings
Kristi Watts is best known for her role as a former co-host on the award-winning television program The 700 Club and for her in-depth interviews of authors , celebrities , and public figures such as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and movie mogul Tyler Perry . She recently launched Kristi Watts Ministries to provide Bible study tools , video blogs , and speaking engagements . Today , Kristi lives in Virginia Beach , Virginia with her son .
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Taken from Talk Yourself Happy by Kristi Watts . Copyright © 2017 by Kristi Watts . Used by permission of Thomas Nelson .
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48 Solutions

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