Solutions April 2017 | Page 38

•God created confusion—and a chariot malfunction—throughout the Egyptian army, which caused the entire Egyptian army to be in the seabed when God’s mighty hand released the waters back in place on top of them. 
 God performed miracle upon mira- cle, none of which would have been possible without a willingness to try the impossible. We have to be willing to step into that space. 
 Our stories may not always be as neatly and quickly redeemed as was the Israelites’ crossing of the Red Sea. Sometimes our stepping out in faith into the unknown may not produce a miracle (at least that we can see). Sometimes it will feel like a failure. But we can rest in the confidence of a King who sees in full while we see only in part. (1 Corinthians 13:12) 
 We need to have such a depen- dent trust in the King that we are willing to fail for Him. We need to un- derstand that He is the omniscient, all-knowing One, and we are not. We need to be willing to step out in service to Him even with the under- standing that it may not always end in roaring success. Why? Because that creates space for the King to go to work. He is perfectly capable of accomplishing the work through a mighty miracle. Or He may have a plan that is accomplished through our human failure. Either way, we have to step out. So I challenge you to join me in
fail- ing more. I am confident that it will multiply the number of miracles we experience in our lives. It will likely also
increase those times where we do not
understand what the King is doing. But that is a good thing, be- 38 Solutions cause we will have given the King room to work, and the “failure” will serve as evidence that we are oper- ating in an obedience that extends beyond our own human capacity. It will be proof that we are discovering the King! Thann Bennett is a longtime member of the National Community Church family in Washington, D.C. In his professional capacity, Thann is the Director of Government Affairs for the American Center for Law and Justice. He has sixteen years of high-level public policy experience, with a particular focus on the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. He is also a regular on-air contributor to the daily syndicated radio broadcast, Jay Sekulow Live! Thann originally hails from the cornfields of Central Illinois and is a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan. He is motivated to write by a belief that God calls those in all walks of life to draw others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Related Links Facebook: /ThannBennett Twitter: @thannbennett Book: Buy the Book!