destinies of nations. The world is crying
out for people like Paul, Esther, Ruth
and Joseph who will become fathers
and mothers to the pharaohs of the
world (see Genesis 45) and see whole
nations fall into the hands of the Lord.
God is summoning the Daniels of the
earth who can stand as he did in the
courts of four worldly kings and bring
the most powerful nations into the
Kingdom. God is gathering the Nehe-
miahs of our day to rebuild our ruined
cities and restore hope to the planet.
He is awakening the Davids of our
generation and commissioning them
to defeat the giants of racism, crime,
immorality, and corruption that seem
to roam the earth wreaking havoc on
our children.
You are a world changer born in
the most exciting time in history! This
is your time to “rise and shine.” What
team are you on and who is on your
team? Have you submitted to spiritual
mothers and fathers? Or is God ask-
ing you to be a mother or father to
the people in your life? Maybe you’re
still searching for a community to call
your own. Wherever you are in your
process, I want to encourage you to
get connected, plugged in and com-
mitted to a spiritual family.
Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of
Bethel Church in Redding, California, where he
has served with Bill Johnson for more than three
decades. His prophetic insight and humorous
delivery make him a much-sought-after
international conference speaker. Kris is also the
cofounder and senior overseer of Bethel School
of Ministry, which has grown to more than 2,100
full-time students, as well as the founder of
Moral Revolution, an organization dedicated
to cultural transformation. He has appeared
on numerous media outlets, including The 700
Club. Kris and his wife, Kathy, live in Redding,
Related Links
Facebook: /kvministries
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Check out this topic and more in Kris’
new book, Destined to Win.
Buy the Book!
Today pray: “Father, thank you that
you are with me. I ask you for a reve-
lation of who is supposed to be in my
life and a part of my divine destiny.
Teach me how to identify and cul-
tivate these relationships. I am your
child. Lead me into your extravagant
love and abundance for my life and
the world.”
Solutions 35