Soltalk September 2022 | Page 8

Hello and welcome to the September issue of Soltalk . And breath ! Yes we made it through August , often a challenge with the heat and number of visitors competing for the parking spaces and sun beds ! September is my favourite month both weather wise ( usually ) and for the fact that Nerja is still full of visitors but not ... overly full shall I say ?
Well as we all know power costs and availability have been “ challenged ” by the war in Ukraine but it is heartening to see that Spain is doing something to address the problem , in public buildings at least . They have set rules for on how much power can be used for heating / cooling and on illuminating buildings after 10pm . Other countries could take note . See more details on page 9 .
Were you at the Fiesta Blanca , ( White Party ) last month ? It looks like an amazing time was had - see our report on page 45 . Do you like walking and art ? Then you won ’ t want to miss the Frigiliana Art Route , it takes place early next month , find out more on page 22 .
Apart from that we have plenty of local news and all our regular features including our popular “ Jottings ” on page 24 where our Jottings team have scoured the UK and International press for the weird and wacky stories you might have missed . We hope you enjoy September and also enjoy this magazine . Please “ like ” us on Facebook ( if you are on that ) and thanks to all of you who already have .