Soltalk September 2022 | Page 46

Your stars for September

You ’ re a natural leader now , so be careful what you suggest or imply because it will instantly be accepted , for good or ill . Relax and enjoy the attention , but don ' t get addicted . Do what comes easy and keep demands modest . You will have more creativity and energy than ever before , you could save the world .
Make up your mind to feel secure in your skills , talents , and current position . If an opportunity appears , consider it but don ' t instantly pounce . The stars shine on your family and home environment . Finish something big that has been lingering too long .
You can ' t go everywhere and do everything all the time . Get involved in something closer to home , delve deep into it , and see how engrossing it can become . You can tie up a lot of loose ends now . You perk up a friendship that you used to enjoy more .
You may feel threatened or in some sort of jeopardy this month . Take a deep breath and don ’ t imagine the worst . Things are fine . Chances are you ’ re being unfairly compared to some impossibly high standard . Do your best and have no regrets .
The need for love could feel urgent and necessary . You might attract someone who ’ s unprepared but hates to disappoint you . Be sincere and try not to manipulate anyone . The stars offer a cosmic opportunity to become the very best you . Feel noble and strong , then be yourself and let the world respond .
Focus on taking better care of yourself . You have your own priorities and may crave more quality private time to make the changes you feel you need . If people annoy you , beg off invitations and minimize contact for a while . You will greatly enrich your personal resolve .
Old favorite activities that have been neglected could rise to the top . Your social scene may want more glitz and fashion , but that may not appeal to you now . The stars accent your social life and other community commitments . You could be the one in the spotlight .
The stars tie your heartstrings to your home and family . Don ’ t get overly emotional and everything should be fine . Be the leader at work . It may not happen instantly , but this could affect your career and social standing throughout the coming year .
Friends and neighbours may knock on your door during the month . They will have elaborate – and possibly expensive - plans . It might be hard to say no . Do a tour of the globe now or some time in the coming year , if only in your mind , and take friends with you . Real physical travel is definitely possible , too .
The stars energize your finances and money situation . Spend more wisely and spot some avenues for increased income . It should all happen naturally , so don ’ t agonize over possibilities or overthink anything . Don ’ t doubt your ability to face and conquer any problem .
Love is looking for you in a big way this month . Expect a lot of emotional fireworks . Happily , right now you could charm your way into and out of anything . Love and romance could rock your world again soon . Whatever your heart is doing , be safe and practical .
Emotions run high this month . If you get nervous or hypersensitive , listen to music or take a walk and clear your head . Be good to yourself , relax , and restore your equilibrium . The stars encourage you to do good works for yourself and others . Luck is with you .