Soltalk September 2022 | Page 11


Lights out in Spain

Passengers injured
Energy saving measures were introduced in Spain on August 10 , despite criticism from some sectors including those who fear a negative effect on business . The move is part of the effort to reduce Europe ’ s dependency on Russian gas by seven per cent . Madrid resisted the EU ’ s recommended full 15 per cent reduction , because Spain does not depend on piped Russian gas .
The new rules are being introduced in three phases , with the first now in place and the others following throughout this month , and then remaining in place until November next year . The Minister for Ecological Transition , Teresa Ribera , said the measures would be applied “ with flexibility ” and in the first full week of restrictions last month , electricity demand in Spain dropped by 3.7 per cent .
The first rule requires indoor temperatures to maintained at no lower than 27 degrees Centigrade in summer , while the maximum heating level in colder months should not be above 19 ℃. This is mandatory in public buildings , shops and department stores , airports , railway and bus stations , cultural venues and communal areas of hotels . Exempted are restaurants , gyms , health centres , training centres , hairdressers , launderettes and public transport .
Shop window displays and unoccupied public buildings cannot be illuminated after 10.00pm , although decorative lighting on monuments is exempt .
The second rule which comes into force on September 2 requires buildings affected by the temperature regulation to display information about the restrictions , with thermometers visible to customers . The final rule is for such premises to have door closing systems in place by September 30 . Breaking the rules is reported to be described as a minor infringement , although such transgressions could in theory be fined up to € 60,000 . Offences described as serious or very serious have an upper limit on fines set at € 100 million .
In the Madrid region however , the leader has vowed to ignore the new regulations introduced by the leftleaning minority government led by the PSOE ’ s Pedro Sáchez . Isabel Diaz Ayuso of the opposition Partido Popular , who also refused to implement restrictions during the recent pandemic , claimed the measures would generate insecurity and impact on tourism .
Festival death
A 22-year-old man died and 40 others were injured , five seriously , when high winds brought down part of the main stage at a music festival in the Valencia town of Cullera . It was around 4.00am on August 13 when the wind suddenly gusted to over 80 kph , bringing sand with it and causing chaos . The event was first suspended and the remainder of the weekend ’ s event was later cancelled .
Foreign labour
New measures are now in place in Spain to make it easier for foreigners to work in the country with the aim of easing shortages in the labour market . Work permit requirements were eased last month for foreigners who do not hold the legal documents required to live in the country . In addition , students from outside the EU are now permitted to work up to 30 hours a week while studying in Spain .
Around 20 people were injured , three with serious burns , while trying to escape from a passenger train halted by a countryside fire on August 16 . Winds blew flames towards the service from Valencia and Zaragoza panicking people to try to open doors and break windows , some leaving barefoot and walking several kilometres for help . The train driver put the train in reverse returning to the nearest station at Caudiel and rail authorities have opened an investigation into the incident .
Police cams
Spanish police have started wearing bodycams for reasons of security . The Interior Ministry launched the initiative last month , saying it would be “ rolled out on a gradual basis ” to all officers . Police union JUPOL has welcomed the development , describing it as the response to a request which they have been making .
British licences
The British Embassy in Spain said last month that negotiations were continuing over the question of exchanging a British driving licence for a Spanish one . Some UK nationals living in Spain are presently unable to drive legally and in a message published on the Embassy ’ s Facebook page , Karl McCartney , Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the UK Department for Transport , said they are in the “ front of our minds .” He added , “ We understand your frustration and we are aware of the severe impact on your everyday lives .”
( see our article on page 29 for more information on driving in Spain ).
Fake guests
A 24-year-old German tourist and his friend enjoyed breakfast and dinner at an hotel on Mallorca before staff realised they were not guests and had not paid for their meals . One ran off leaving his friend to pay but after he became aggressive and refused payment , a National Police patrol was called . The suspect was arrested and last month spent a night in the cells , free board included .