Soltalk September 2018 | Page 48

Your stars for September

Remember that it takes acorns and a lot of time and patience to make a shady oak tree , and that seeds planted now may take a long time to come to fruition . Avoid making enemies over trifles , even if you feel you are right . An interesting evening could develop from what seems to be a very boring affair .
The variety in your social life may have reached the chaos state and you should take time to sort things out and do away with the unnecessary dates on your calendar so that you can enjoy the truly important ones . Try to spend time with an older person who cares for you .
A major purchase you have been planning should perhaps be delayed for a short while until you get some definite information on a promised pay rise . Consider becoming involved in a community project which could use your talents and yield personal pleasure as well as make a contribution .
Your ability to expend energy over and above your normal share is a rare gift but you should be cautious of doing so much that you endanger your health . As the season begins to move more definitely into the cooler period , you should be careful of exposure and drafts .
Use that recently acquired bit of “ found ” money in ways that will bring pleasure . Saving is a good habit — but you also need to indulge yourself once in a while . Don ’ t go off the deep end over a new love interest . That ’ s not to say you should ignore chances for fun — just try to keep things on an even keel .
Family illness or an accident could mar your plans for a long-planned holiday . Keep your money in the bank instead of throwing it away on projects which won ’ t do much for your personal pleasure . An introduction to a striking companion could set the stage for a new relationship .
Be satisfied with getting the job done , even if the credit is claimed by people of little real ability . Wise observers will know who is responsible . Financial matters should be handled promptly and advice should be sought from an older and more adept person if problems develop .
Be careful not to assume the worst about a close friend or lover , particularly if someone comes to you telling tales . If the charge is serious ask for an explanation but don ’ t convict before the defence has a chance to speak . Absolute honesty in a work situation is vital .
If at all possible , plan to get away for a few days in the near future so you can re-think some long-made plans for the future . A change in direction now might be difficult — and even painful — but not as much as it could be later . Give up on a romantic project that has been hanging fire .
A change of direction or profession is not impossible for you at this point . It is not advisable to throw away years of preparation on a lark — but remaining in a situation because it is easy is not the best move either . Seek advice from a person who has faced a similar situation .
Your love life may be in for an exciting , if bumpy , period during which there could be some exhilarating highs — and a few deep depressions . If you hang on for the entire ride , however , you will probably be glad that you did . Ignore a threat from a jealous person . Make sure you pay attention to your health .
Your business life could become inescapably involved with your private life , bringing a good deal of frustration and even unhappiness — unless you follow a strict rule about fraternisation in the office . Keep your head down in any family arguments .
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