Soltalk September 2018 | Page 46

Singing for fun can improve your health too Creator and director of The Costa Pop Choir and Georgie Sings – vocal coach and singing teacher offers us an insight into singing, its benefits and tips on how to get started. sufferers, and breathing correctly substantially improves lung capacity. One exercise which effectively shows you where you need to breath in to is to lay on your back on your bed or the floor, and take a few breaths in and out. Remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, once you have breathed in, feel where that breath is going into. This should be deep down in the belly and not the chest. And this is the correct location the breath should be once you are standing. To make sure that the chest, shoulders or clavicles are not rising when you are breathing you need to consciously think that your stomach is coming out when breathing in, and going in when breathing out, placing your hand on your stomach is good indicator of this. Singing can be a lifeline for people. Activities such as singing lessons and singing in choirs can reduce stress levels, anxiety, increase self-esteem, build confidence, and also reduce loneliness for those who don’t spend much time with others. Physically, singing can be both beneficial for fitness as well as a fun and easy way to make new friends. Singing boosts the immune system, helps with posture and sleep. For the elderly, disabled and injured the act of singing can be a workout for the lungs (for healthy people too.) With the proper singing techniques employed, lungs will become stronger and coupled with the correct use of lower abdominal muscles the diaphragm will also get a workout. Once you have mastered the art of breathing into your stomach, you can then start counting. Breathe in for four beats, hold for four beats and breathe out (through your mouth, slow and steady) for four beats. Then continue on even numbers so six, eight, etc. until you feel you have reached your maximum breath capacity. You can do this whilst sitting upright watching television, reading a book, or meditating. You will soon feel the effects. Stroke sufferers, and people with speech impediments will find singing a very helpful tool in their recuperation. For speech impediment sufferers, singing exercises are a fantastic way to dilute the impediment and to form a stronger bond between the sound they believe they are making and the one that is actually coming out of their mouths. I have worked with both stroke sufferers and people with speech impediments, and I have seen first-hand the incredible improvements made by just changing the way they breath. So here’s a tip on getting started on your singing journey: to begin with, you need to breathe. Breathing is the life source of singing, it helps with vocal strength and stability, and correct breathing is proven to reduce the effects of asthma in The Costa Pop Choir meet every Monday evening at 8.30pm at the Hotel Al Andalus in Maro, and we welcome new members to our very sociable group. I am also contactable for private singing lessons via the Costa Pop Website address. or [email protected] GEORGIE CULLUM 44