Soltalk September 2018 | Page 20

Beach damage
Local police in Vélez-Málaga have identified an 18-year-old Belgian national as being responsible for serious damage at the municipality ’ s beach reserved for dogs and their owners . The suspect legally held a beach barbeque but used wood from the fence surrounding the canine area and from a notice board for his fire . The office of the Deputy Mayor in Torre del Mar denounced , “ the lack of civility amongst people whom do not respect what belongs to everyone .”
Rape charge
A 26-year-old British resident on Mallorca is suspected of beating and raping a 22-year-old woman . The man named as Dylan Rogers was arrested at an apartment next his own and appeared in court the next day , August 10 . The victim , who had been bound with insulating tape , is reported to have been taken to hospital for treatment to bruising on her arms , legs and face .
Lion seized
Agents from the Nature Protection Service of the Guardia Civil ( SEPRONA ) have seized a stuffed male African lion which had been offered for sale on the internet for € 5,995 . The Barcelona seller said her late father-in-law had shot the animal in Namibia in the 90s before handing it to a taxidermist . The species is classified as being under serious threat and trade in it is strictly controlled .
Pricey property
Spain ’ s most expensive house has gone on the market on the sea front of Marbella . It offers six suites , two guest cottages and 6,663 square metres of land , and could be yours for just € 50 million . The second most expensive home is also in Málaga – a 12-bedroom , 7,000 square metre villa in Mijas with pool , tennis court and a private beach – which is on offer for a more reasonable € 35 million .
Moncloa opens
The official residence of the Spanish prime minister is opening its doors to the public this month . The Moncloa Palace in Madrid is to offer weekly guided tours to its meeting rooms and gardens as part of the government ’ s drive to make its work more accessible and transparent . Visits must be booked in advance on the Moncloa website ( www . lamoncloa . gob . es ) which is available in English .

Fresh challenge against Brexit

Britons living in the EU have launched a fresh challenge against Brexit . They claim that irregularities alleged to have been committed by the Leave campaign should render the 2016 referendum null and void .
The claim is being made by the ‘ UK in EU Challenge Group ,’ led by Sue Wilson of the ‘ Bremain in Spain ’ group . She says that recent findings have “ called into question ” whether the referendum was conducted in accordance with the UK ’ s constitutional requirements .
The UK in Spain Challenge Group argues that , “ The Electoral Commission found ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ that Vote Leave , the official campaign , cheated on its spending limit by almost £ 700,000 .” They claim that British courts , “ can declare the vote null and void if there has been cheating of exactly this type .” They conclude , “ This isn ’ t about ‘ leave ’ or

Black fly spreads across Spain

A species of black fly which can inflict serious bites on humans is reported to be spreading across Spain . It was first detected on the banks of the River Ebro in 2006 and then affected 2,000 people in Aragón required emergency medical attention .
In 2007 , ten times as many victims report being bitted by the fly ( Simulium trifasciatum ) in Aragón and now , the Butarque district of Madrid has reported the insects ’ arrival . They are believed to be breeding in the Manzanares river which they find to be an ideal habitat .
The fly lays its eggs in running water and when the larvae hatch they attach themselves to rocks . However , they are sensitive to pollution and scientists believe that the population explosion is linked to the cleaning-up of Spain ’ s rivers which has , somewhat paradoxically , made them a suitable breeding ground . The female fly bites , rather than stings , removing a layer of skin and then injecting an anaesthetic
‘ remain .’ It ’ s about rights , fairness and democracy .”
The government in Westminster says that such a claim was “ substantially out of time ,” and had already been considered and thrown out in a previous court case . The two associations have now filed a fresh law suit in response to this rejection .
Speaking to El Pais last month , Sue Wilson talked of “ considerable damage to the economy ” caused by the Brexit referendum . She said British citizens living in the EU are , “ invisible , our voices unheard .”
Britons who have lived outside the UK for more than 15 years are precluded from voting in British general elections and referenda , meaning that those who stand to be most affected by the eventual outcome of Brexit were not allowed to have their say in the 2016 vote .
and a strong coagulant , enabling it to feed on the blood unnoticed . A swarm of feeding flies can kill a mouse or a bird , while their saliva can cause a severe allergic reaction in humans . The wound left can be several centimetres in diameter and can result in hospitalisation .
The tiny black fly is active in daytime and can get inside long-sleeved shirts and slacks in order to find areas of thinner skin to bite . Experts recommend staying away from their known breeding grounds on river banks , while using repellents which include IR3535 , DEET or picaridin . They also suggest wearing heavy duty , light-coloured , long clothing to minimise the chances of being bitten .
Anyone bitten should apply a cold pack or ice wrapped in cloth to reduce swelling and lessen irritation to the nerve endings in the skin , and then apply a cream , calamine lotion or baking soda mixed with water to calm itchy skin .
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