Soltalk October 2022 | Page 40


Avoiding heat cramps

After one of the hottest summers on record , many people have had health problems dealing with the heat . Overheating is in many ways more dangerous than being cold . The body has a number of mechanisms such as shivering and raising metabolic rate to warm up but relies on sweating to cool down . If your core temperature rises by only three degrees centigrade it can lead to heatstroke and even organ failure .
A common problem with hot weather is muscle cramps in the legs . The muscles in the calf will suddenly and painfully tighten for a few seconds and this can occur day or night . Sometimes the leg muscle will twitch uncontrollably for several minutes when you are resting .
Muscle cramps can have many causes . The most common is simply overuse . The muscle cells need oxygen to work and if they don ’ t get enough they go into spasm . Activity such as tennis , running , etc could cause a cramp because the muscle uses the oxygen faster than the blood can deliver it . Sometimes it ’ s a sign that the circulation is a problem . If you are getting cramps when walking especially up a hill it could mean a narrow artery isn ’ t delivering enough blood to the leg .
However in hot weather leg cramps and muscle twitches can occur at any time even if you are sitting and resting . This annoying and painful symptom is caused by a lack of necessary minerals that ensure the normal function of the
muscles . In hot weather it is important to drink lots of water to replace the sweat that you lose but sweat also contains tiny quantities of sodium , potassium and magnesium that are essential for healthy muscle function .
The immediate treatment for leg cramp is light stretching . Stand facing a wall , press your hand against the wall and lean forwards while keeping your heel on the floor until you feel
the calf muscle stretch . Hold for a few seconds and repeat three or four times until the spasm subsides .
Eating and drinking mineral rich foods really helps . The most commonly known food for cramps is banana . Banana contains potassium and a little magnesium and is a ready to eat remedy . A much better source of minerals is sweet potato ( easily available in Spain ) which has up to six times the calcium content of banana .
The potassium winner is avocado though with twice the potassium of banana or potato . It ’ s a super food so mash it up and have it in a sandwich or in salad whenever you can .
Gazpacho soup contains tomatoes which are high in potassium , oil , garlic , salt and wine vinegar . It is the perfect food for a hot climate and almost designed to help prevent muscle cramps . I recommend a glass every day in hot weather .
Beer in moderation is also a good source of minerals so on a hot day a cold glass of cerveza is very refreshing . Remember the effect of alcohol is multiplied in the sun so avoid drinking at the hottest part of the afternoon or have an alcohol free cerveza .
However my top recommendation ( which really worked for me ) is coconut water . Although a bit expensive it is easily available in cartons and packed with minerals . A 250 ml serving per day completely stopped my leg cramps and has worked very well for the majority of my patients .
MARK SHUREY D . O . Osteopath