Soltalk October 2022 | Page 25

What ’ s On

2022 - 20th Anniversary of the Nerja History Group

In 2002 , former nun Dr Dorothy Price , decided to give a Talk “ From the Phoenicians to the Euro ” and thought that perhaps 8 or so people would be interested - instead , 46 people showed up and the Nerja History Gropu ( NHG ) was born . In those days , trips were undertaken by car sharing . Naturally , Dr Dorothy couldn ’ t manage on her own and so asked for volunteers . Step forward Sandra ( she who founded the Digame newsletter ) and her husband David Duncan , who both undertook the administration and finance and step forward Sue Harvey , who shared the recce ’ s with Dr Dorothy , hosted the meetings and organised the trips .
I moved here in 2007 and was introduced to Sue Harvey through a mutual friend . In 2008 , Sandra and David had decided to retire from the NHG and so Sue Harvey asked me if I would like to assist her in running the Group . I immediately said that I would , as by then , I had decided to make Nerja my home and had already attended meetings and been on trips . However , my
Trip to Torreparadones euphoria was short lived , when Sue rang me to say that after great deliberation , she had accepted a job in the UK .
What to do ? Either the Group would close or I would try to carry on with the help of dear Jill Christian-Smith and Maureen and Colin Clarke . Anyway , soldier on we did and today , the NHG has gone from strength to strength .
I have been finalising the details for the forthcoming season . Sadly Jill Christian-Smith has since died and Maureen and Colin moved back to the UK but I have been very lucky with helpers - Maria Brothers helped for four seasons and then , Sue Harvey came back as a part-time resident in Nerja and so our working relationship finally got started and friendship resumed and continues . When Sue is not available , my friend Inma will join me and act as translator . Sadly , Dr Dorothy died in 2019
but she enjoyed seeing the progress of the Group .
There have been times when I have thought that perhaps it was time to hang up my sombrero but we seem to have inspired a new wave of History Groupers . We have a mix of nationalities , some of whom have supported me since I took over and who attend every meeting and go on every day trip . We have also been organising an annual multi-day trip to places further afield , usually taking place in January . During this time , there have been changes : our venue from this season , will be in the Auditorium of the Cultural Centre . And with the progress of technology , most of our Guest Speakers now give digital presentations .
I am pleased to say , that over the years , we have encouraged more Spanish people to be our Guest Speakers and this forthcoming season is no exception , we have three Spanish Nationals giving Talks to us in the English language , further validation that we must be doing something right ! Since 2008 , we have had over 6,000 people attending our meetings and our season is only October - April !
For any of you interested in Spanish History , you are most welcome to join us at our monthly meetings and day trip the following week . We are not historians , we are just enthusiasts of the history of this wonderful country . Our first meeting this season , will be on Friday October 21 at 11.00am , doors open from 10.30 .
For more information , please see our website : nerjahistorygroup . com or contact Christina Sinclair on 687 602 057 or email : nerjahistorygroup @ yahoo . com