Soltalk October 2017 | Page 8

Welcome to the October edition of Soltalk , and as residents and regular visitors will know , October only means one thing in Nerja ... FERIA !!! Yes the fun fair will be coming to town with all the sights , sounds and smells that take us back to our childhoods . See page 32 for more details of events . It is also a time when many people decide to leave Nerja for a week ’ s holiday somewhere quieter , especially if they live anywhere near the feria ground which is the parking area behind c / Los Huertos . Oh and I absolutely love this year ’ s Feria poster , what do you think ?
A strange news story caught my eye this month . Apparently , a 99-year-old woman who died in Lugo last month has been buried in the coffin she bought 20 years ago and kept in her lounge . A local carpenter said that Josefa Rego had her own coffin constructed following the death of her husband in 1977 . She even lay in it to have photos taken so she knew how she would appear at her funeral . I expect she used it as a coffin table ! They say ‘ there ’ s nowt so queer as folk .’
On a happier note , we hope you enjoy this month ’ s issue which is packed with all the usual local news , features , plus quite a bit of news from local clubs and associations who tend to take a break for the summer months . We try and include everything
we are sent so if you have a local club which we haven ’ t mentioned in our essential information section on page 55 please send me an email with the details .
If you feel like doing something different , have a look at page 32 for 10 things to do this month , there ’ s sure to be something to take your fancy .
Oh and we were overwhelmed with the great response we got with our new look cover last month . One client remarked that she liked the previous cover ... until she saw the new one ! Thanks very much for all the compliments .
I returned to Málaga airport recently from the UK , only to be fingerprinted ! What is that all about ? I had to put my passport in a slot , look at a camera which made green squares on my pupils before taking my picture , then put my index finger on a glass reader . I then had to use my index finger to open the door to get out . Very high tech but it can ’ t be that hygenic , I went straight to the loo and washed my hands afterwards , who knows what was on that little piece of glass ?
We hope you have a great October , enjoy Feria and this issue of Soltalk !