Soltalk February 2023 | Page 36

_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 34
What ’ s On

Club Boxeo de Torrox

A new boxing club has been formed in Torrox by expat former professional boxer Dominic Beech . Club Boxeo de Torrox based in Gymnasio Laguna , Laguna Beach in Torrox was formed in October 2021 initially after Dom joined the gym to maintain his fitness with weight training .
Now at the stage where boxers have reached a good standard bouts are being organized with other clubs within Andalucia . Two fights were organised in Almeria last month but the results are not available as Soltalk went to press . There are fights planned for two boxers .
There are also plans to further expand the club including moving to purpose designed premises . A visit to the UK is planned back to where Dom used to fight and train with a reciprocal visit to Spain also arranged .
Training sessions are at Gymasio Laguna on Monday , Wednesday and Friday 5:30pm – 7:30pm .
Whilst training Dom , a professional boxer for over two years , had a thought to get back into shape further and also missing the boxing buzz asked the gym owner if he could rig a punch bag . The owner agreed but suggested the bag be put in a side room .
It was soon noticed that local gym users were showing interest in the boxing training and were often seen watching Dom from the doorway . The gym owner had also noticed and suggested that Dom think about giving boxing lessons . After posting on his and the gym ’ s Facebook pages interest began to grow and the club took off . There are now up to 20 people in regular training . There are also three female members .
Training sessions last for up to two hours overseen by Dom and are structured under proper boxing procedures and rules .