Soltalk February 2023 | Page 12

See Smalltalk on page 20
_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 10
Covid review
A committee of Covid experts in the regional government appealed to people over 60 to get their fourth immunisation jab while nursing homes must restart registering visitors . Meeting on January 17 , the group concluded that measures should continue on a “ prevention and reminder ” basis . It was stressed that the present incidence of Covid in over 60s in Andalucía was 75.4 cases per 100,000 population , well below the national figure of 124 , while 95 % of nursing homes in the region are “ Covid free .”
Marina fire
A major fire has destroyed a warehouse owned by the Marina Marbella company which housed around 95 boats and jet-skis worth millions of euros . The blaze broke out on the evening of January 11 and was tackled by around a dozen vehicles and 30 crew , one of whom required stitches after being hit by a hose . Access to the harbour at La Bajadilla was restricted as an investigation opened into the cause of the incident .
Fatal stove
A British couple have died from carbon monoxide poisoning at their farmhouse near Majorca . Their bodies are believed to have been lying undiscovered for two days before their son in the UK raised the alarm . First indications suggest that a leak from a wood burning stove released the poisonous fumes .
Hunting protest
Thousands of people demonstrated last month about plans to exclude hunting dogs from the forthcoming animal protection law . They claim that such dogs are “ often treated cruelly ” and should not be treated as “ second class .” Javier Luna , president of the Partido Animalista political party , told protestors in Madrid that the government must modify the text of the proposed law to protect all animals and ensure that none is abandoned in the hands of those who can exploit them with impunity .

See Smalltalk on page 20

Cigarette companies now pay for litter

New environmental regulations in Spain now require tobacco companies to be responsible for clearing the streets of cigarette ends .
The requirement came into force last month although the government has not said how the operation will be managed or how much it will cost the companies . However , the government has estimated the cost will reach a billion euros while experts expect this to be passed on to consumers .
Scientists say cigarette ends take around ten years to decompose , emitting toxic substances such as lead and arsenic as they do so . They are the biggest source of contamination in the sea , which has led to many municipalities imposing a smoking ban on their beaches .
The move is part of a package of measures which aim to reduce waste and encourage recycling . Also included is a ban on single-use plastic cutlery and plates , plastic straws , and reducing plastic packaging on food items , in line with an EU directive . Cigarette
A third set of measures designed to address rising prices was announced by the Government just after Christmas . It brought total support offered by the administration of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to € 45 billion .
He said the new € 10 billion plans would , “ protect the middle class and workers amid the rise in the cost of living , energy and food .” They include a one-off payment of € 200 for the 4.3 million households whose members ’ total incomes are under € 27,000 a year , although this does not apply to anyone on a pension , amongst other restrictions .
The PM added that sales tax on essential food items like bread , milk , cheese , eggs , fruits and vegetables would be scrapped for six months , while taxes on pasta and cooking oil will fall from 10 to five per cent . The companies will also be required to educate the public about not throwing cigarettes on the floor in public spaces .
According to last year ’ s statistics from the Spanish government , 22 per cent of people in Spain smoke , compared with the EU average of 18.4 per cent . More men ( 23.3 per cent ) smoke than women ( 16.4 per cent ) while a survey by the family medical association suggests 85 per cent of people would like to see further restrictions and 72 per cent back a smoking ban on bar and restaurant terraces .

More cost-of-living aid

ban on cutting off gas and electricity supplies to households will be extended until the end of 2023 .
Public transport will continue to be subsidised with a discount on season ticket prices extended until the first half of 2023 . However , the discount of 20 cents per litre of fuel discount will become restricted .
Healthy tourism
New data from National Statistics Institute last month show that 67.4 million tourists visited Spain between January and November last year and spent € 81.8 billion while they were here . As usual , the UK topped the numbers of visiting nationalities with 14.4 million arrivals , followed by France and Germany . In the same period , Andalucía was visited by 9.4 million international travellers who spent € 11.26 billion .