Soltalk August 2019 | Page 8

Comment Hello and welcome to the August issue of Soltalk! Are you melting as you read this? Find a patch of shade and a cold drink, and sit down and chill out with a bit of reading. Spain and Monday August 19 is also a local holiday in Málaga, although bars and restaurants and some shops will be open. This very busy event goes on for ten days and is spread between the old part of town surrounding Calle Larios during the day (12 noon to 6pm) and the fairground site with over 180 casetas (bars) in the evenings. Many people dress in traditional costume and there is a daily parade of horses and carriages during the day. There are also concerts, dancing and drinking and of course rides to be enjoyed. As I write this Boris Johnson is on his way in a taxi to see the Queen and he will leave (in a bigger car probably) as the Prime Minister of the UK. Who would have thought it? Well my Dad for one, he told me ages ago that Boris would be the boss one day! I suppose to look on the bright side you can’t say that politics are boring these days can you? And Spain is also having its moments as you can see on page 9 of this issue. To fully benefit from the events perhaps it’s a good idea to take the bus into Málaga rather than drive, but be prepared for it to be very hot and of course, very crowded once you arrive! In July and August Nerja town hall welcome all our extra visitors with lots of entertainment on the Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos, map grid H2 on our map on page 52. Most days things start at 10pm except Sundays when it’s 9pm. The entertainment ranges from dance, cinema, jazz and classical music. Don’t miss David Mesa on jazz piano on Wednesday, August 7. Look out for posters in the area listing the complete programme. Meanwhile, other regular music events are listed on page 56 of this issue. One last thing for anyone new to Nerja as it can be quite confusing putting out your rubbish (collected nightly) - the yellow bins are for plastics like water bottles, blue bins are for paper, dome shaped green ones are for glass and bottles and the big green ones or the shiny metal ones with handles are for general rubbish! August is the month when Málaga hold their annual feria, the biggest event of the year for the city. It starts on the evening of Wednesday August 14 with a huge firework display from the port. The next day, August 15 is a public holiday throughout We hope you enjoy August whether you’re in Nerja on holiday or living here. And please... enjoy this issue! SARAH BROOKES 6