Soltalk August 2019 | Page 48

Hector homed! inquired about Arturo because they had an affinity for Podenco dogs. Hector was rescued by a caring Spanish man in June and brought to the Costa Animal Society (CAS) with a badly broken leg and open wound. He also suffered from severe nerve damage in the injured leg so the vet decided the best course of treatment was amputation. Within two weeks after surgery, Hector was up and running around on three legs and playing with the larger dogs in kennels. When they heard his best mate was leaving they decided to adopt Arturo and he went home with the couple and his two new brothers on 12 July. Three days later Simba flew to his forever family in Sweden and both boys are now living happily in their new homes. Kylie, Pedro, Gringo and Georgio were a group of four dogs that CAS took on earlier this year to help an overburdened rescue centre in Mijas. The group was vaccinated and neutered before they went into kennels and advertised for adoption across a variety of formats. After he received his puppy vaccinations Hector was featured in the CAS News last month and the power of print media proved itself useful again. (Thank you to all of the kind editors Hector who provide us valuable space in their publications pro bono out of the goodness of their hearts.) A loving English couple who were staying in Nerja read about Hector’s plight and made enquiries with CAS about the possibly of adopting the pup. Pedro was adopted first and has become the companion of a sweet lady in Nerja. Kylie was chosen by a family in Sweden who saw her on Facebook and after jumping through some hoops to prepare for travel she went to her Kylie forever home last month. Gringo was shared by a Dutch charity and has been reserved for adoption by a nice couple in Holland and he is waiting for his flight in early September, leaving just his brother Georgio waiting in kennels for a chance at a new life. The couple visited Hector several times during their holiday and immediately fell in love with him so the adoption was finalized before they returned to England. Arrangements have been made for Hector to travel to the UK by ground transport and he will be reunited with his new family on the first of August. Happy Tales July was a very rewarding month for CAS with several lovely dogs and cats successfully rehomed. Here are a few examples: Simba and Arturo had both been in kennels for over a year and were best friends that played together every day in the exercise yard. Both dogs are very sweet but presented different challenges for rehoming with Simba being very energetic and Arturo being deaf. However, in May Simba was reserved for adoption in Sweden thanks to a cooperative effort with APA, the other animal charity in Nerja, who shares CAS dogs on their networks. Simba Available for Adoption Honey is a very sweet Alsatian cross female who was found on the coast road by Urbanisation Punta Lara towards the end of last year. CAS immediately brought her to the vet for assessment and it was determined she did not have a chip and that she was about six months old. Honey was placed in kennels and a search for a potential owner was undertaken but, as is so often the case, no one stepped forward so she was advertised for adoption both here and abroad. Arturo This posed a slight dilemma for the kennels because the boys were quite close and if Simba left, Arturo would have to find a new playmate. Luckily, a retired couple from Almuñecar brought their two dogs into kennels for a holiday and they Fortune seemed to shine on 46 Honey