Soltalk August 2019 | Page 46

Your stars for August Aries Leo Sagittarius Take time out to have fun now. Stop dwelling on the sources of stress in your life and find the time to do things that excite you. Give extra attention to romance if you have been neglecting it lately. Your creative juices are boiling over. Take advantage of that to do something new. A Sagittarius sweeps you off your feet with creative romantic overtures. Put yourself on the back burner this time and remember to say thanks over and over again. You might want to repay his or her efforts. It will be worth your while. Money is tight throughout the month. If you’re thinking about getting in touch with an old friend, now may not be the time. This month you should focus more on self-improvement. Books and magazines can offer a good insight and bring things to the surface. Examine your life closely. It’s an important step in getting ahead. Taurus Virgo Capricorn Strategic planning helps make things right this month, Taurus. Don’t put it off. Focus on the short term and achieving your goals will fall into place on its own. Take a break with a Pisces friend. Listen carefully to advice from a trusted one. A weekend outdoors is key to relaxation. Confused about romance? Funny how you’ve found yourself here yet again, Virgo. When will you learn? Make a decision and stick to it. A female Leo brings a blessing in disguise. Pay close attention or you risk missing its significance. It’s a good time to make plans for the future. Setting long-term goals gives you motivation to prioritise your life. Finances should be at the top of your list. It’s a good time to do some overtime at work. Family driving you crazy? Be careful not to turn battles into a war. Gemini Libra Aquarius People are having trouble reading you. Make efforts to stay on an even keel. Patience is needed on the home front. Remember to listen before you act. Working hard without complaints won’t go unnoticed. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. To really know someone you need to spend time together. Make it a priority this month. Pull out all the stops, use your charm and creativity and don’t forget your sense of humour. Good news comes in the mail this month. Money looks good at this time. Pulling yourself out of a rut is hard work, especially for a sensitive Aquarian. Nonetheless, it must be done. Stop focusing on loss and open your eyes to all that is around you. Future challenges await. Make a list of things you have yet to achieve and get going on them. Cancer Scorpio Pisces Take time out to concentrate on yourself. Catch up on all that you’ve been putting off. When was the last time you exercised? Stop making excuses and get to it. Leave room in your schedule for the unexpected this month. You’ll need it for a romantic tryst. Have you been dragging your feet lately? It’s time to make things right. Stop weighing every possible outcome and seize the moment. Don’t be afraid to delve into savings for special projects. Thinking about getting a new job? A Taurus poses an interesting opportunity. A Leo appreciates your efforts at work. Take pride in the example you have shown. Financial matters demand some attention. Stress ties your muscles up in knots. Extra time at the gym relieves your body and your mind. You could hear from an old friend with good news. 44