Soltalk August 2019 | Page 42

Wellbeing Protect your hair this summer Just pause for a moment and think. We take a lot of trouble to put our sun cream on our bodies at this time of the year, and of course make sure we have an even higher spf for the face (hopefully) but what about your hair? Hair feels the effects of the sun, humidity, sea and chlorine and also needs special attention in summer – here are some natural methods to keep your crowning glory safe. or being at the beach. Also it is worth trying a natural dry shampoo such as cornstarch to put off washing with shampoo. Another tip is to soak a cotton pad in witch hazel and dab it along your scalp to dissolve excess natural oils. Try to blow-dry your hair as little as possible. It is already exposed to a significant amount of heat on a daily basis in the summer, and it will probably air-dry quickly anyway, so give the blow dryer a break and go au naturel if you can. Avoid hair straighteners and flat irons too, they will further damage dry hair. Natural hair is the way to survive summer! Now is the time to ditch those perfect, sleek looks and be more natural. Learn how to protect your hair from the heat, sun, and humidity without turning it into an endless battle. Next consider something to spritz or spray on to your hair for a leave-in conditioning feel. These can be expensive to buy so why not make your own? Try mixing your regular conditioner with water and spraying on the hair before you go out, or whenever your hair looks a bit out of control. You could also mix water with your favourite essential oils. Or try water mixed with argan oil. The most effective way is to cover your hair with either a hat or a scarf when you’re out in the sun. This will help reduce damage from the sun and the wind as well as protecting colour-treated hair. And if you have fine hair will also stop the sun burning your scalp! Tight styles can pull your hair causing it to break – especially if it is already dry from the sun. Instead of leaving long hair down, why not try a loose ponytail or plait – this will also minimise sun exposure. And if you’re on the beach applying suncream to your body, run your hands through your hair at the end, to get the last bit off your hands and on to your hair to smooth and protect. Always condition your hair after shampooing – for a natural version try rinsing with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. Once your hair is nearly dry try smoothing in some shea butter or coconut oil (sparingly – you don’t want it to look greasy). Or once a week use more generous amounts of coconut oil or shea butter as a mask, leave it on for 15 minutes before shampooing. Frequent washing can rid your scalp of natural oils, this stimulates additional oil production and makes you feel like washing it more. Try to wash your hair less instead, for instance you could just rinse it in the shower after swimming Follow all or some of these tips and you can concentrate on enjoying summer and stop worrying about having to repair the damage later – there won’t be any! 40