Soltalk August 2019 | Page 16

News Cathedral roof Plans are underway for a new roof for Málaga’s cathedral (pictured). An upgrade ten years ago has failed to solve the problem of leaking rainwater, so architects are working on a pitched roof based on designs from the 18th century. The project needs approval from the regional government before a final decision is made. Q Flags Five beaches in Málaga have again been awarded the Q flag this summer. La Misericordia, el Dedo, El Palo, Pedregalejo and La Caleta are flying the banner indicating good beach management and tourism quality. The city has again been awarded a green flag, the Verde Pediátrica, indicating it offers beaches which have safe facilities for children. Pig rescue Three Vietnamese pigs have been rescued after being found abandoned in a property belong to the company which supplies water in the city of Málaga. None was micro-chipped so their ownership is unclear. The species can no longer be purchased as a pet in Spain, although existing private owners may continue to keep the pigs, provided that they are registered with the regional authority. Historical records Nerja has handed census records of the municipality from 1910 and 1920 to the province of Málaga’s historical archives. The documents are reported to be in a poor condition and will be cleaned and restored, later to be made available in digital form. A number of Nerja’s other historical documents have previously been made available to the archive, dating from the mid-18th century to as recently as 1960. Bálcon refurbish Nerja Town Hall has invited tenders to refurbish the railings around the edge of the Balcón de Europa. The €86,400 project, which is subsidised by the regional government, was approved by councillors last month. Tourism councillor Gema Garcia said the first job would be to replace those railings which are missing. Suspended sentence call for mugging hero The Prosecutor in Málaga has come out in favour of a suspended sentence for a local man who has already been sentenced to a prison term and to pay compensation. The defendant has appealed the sentence to the Constitutional Court. the defendant could have simply followed the suspect and, instead of hitting him, waited for the police to intervene. He added that the defendant left the scene of the fight “unconcerned,” and did not advise the police or any other authority. The case surrounds an incident in February 2015 when the defendant and a companion came to the aid of a woman who was being mugged by two assailants trying to steal her bag. He chased after one of the attackers and became involved in a struggle with him. The defendant was sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay compensation of almost €180,000 to the dead man’s family. This sentence was upheld by a higher court in April this year. The court heard that the defendant dealt two blows to the thief, one to the head and one to the neck or shoulder. This caused a brain haemorrhage from which the mugger subsequently died. The judge hearing the case ruled that the death was not accidental because The defendant himself has already paid €6,000 of the compensation, but the political group Vox launched a crowd-funding campaign in his name which has raised almost €120,500 and which has been deposited with the court. A petition for his sentence to be suspended has gathered almost 12,000 signatures and is being forwarded to the Justice Ministry. Bars against plastic drinking straws Around 150 bars and restaurants in Málaga are believed to have joined the campaign against the use of plastic straws for drinks. Two professional groups representing restaurant and beach bar owners have launched an awareness campaign emphasising the need to maintain sustainable beaches. Manuel Villafaina, President of the Association of Beaches in the province of Málaga, said the intention is to make people who use the beaches aware that keeping them clean is essential, not only for our own enjoyment but for the environment. He said bar owners will display posters in Spanish and English urging their patrons to support the initiative. They say that the EU ban on single-use plastics which becomes law in 2021 will require major changes for beach businesses. Utensils and plates made of plastic will be outlawed, as will be the use of plastic containers for drinks and the plastic straws put in them. Summer treats This summer’s campaign is centred on the straws. The groups point out that discarded straws account for about six per cent of all pollution in the Mediterranean and that the plastic used in their manufacture takes around 500 years to biodegrade, In addition, Spain is Europe’s highest user of straws with around 13 million used – and discarded – every day. 14 Missing out on the sunshine is being countered with free ice cream for children admitted to hospital in Vélez- Málaga this summer. Members of the Torre del Mar Beach Running Club and the town’s Heladería Buenavista have partnered to cheer up the young invalids. Doctors are keeping an eye on serving the treats to avoid any medical complications. See Smalltalk on page 20