Soltalk August 2018 | Page 46

Ten Tips to feel better fast! 1. Start the day with cheers and smiles good laugh can help you throw away heavy baggage such as anxiety, disappointment, or nervousness. Your whole day depends on how you greet the morning. So when you wake up, say to yourself that this is going to be a great day. No matter what happens, determine that you are going to be cheerful, productive and happy. The more positive vibes you put out, the more positive vibes you will get back. This is a universal truth, according to the Law of Attraction. 7. Associate with positive people and avoid negative ones In every classroom, work place, or simply anywhere you go where there are groups of people, look for optimistic ones. Associate with them, hang-out, discuss matters. They can help you build self-confidence and self-esteem. Avoid negative people if you possibly can as they just bring you down. 2. Plan the day ahead It’s always a good idea to plan your work first; after which, work your plan. Make sure today’s goals are clearly defined and absorbed by your mind. This can be done even before you get out of bed each day. 8. Be open minded We have to accept the fact that we don’t know everything. And that we are continuously learning. We should try to keep an open mind to new ideas and information that comes our way. Your mind is so spacious that it is impossible to fill it up completely. Your subconscious mind is capable of storing a staggering amount of information so keep feeding it with new knowledge and inspirational information. 3. Keep your mind focused on important things Set goals and priorities for what you think and do. Visualize practicing your actions. Develop a strategy for dealing with problems. Concentrate on things that need to be taken seriously, but at the same time, take time to relax and enjoy. This way, you’ll make great progress. 9. Forgive and forget Mistakes and failures are the root causes of much of our negative thinking. If we learn to let go of all the pain, agony, and fear we try to keep inside our hearts and minds, then there will be nothing more to block our clear thoughts from being expressed. Forgive yourself and others for committing mistakes, learn from them and move on. 4. Try new things and challenges See learning and changes as opportunities. There’s nothing wrong in changing attitudes and routines as long as they are for the good and improve who you are and what you do. Doing new things may include considering more options for a project, meeting new people from different places, asking lots of questions, changing your career or starting a new business. By doing this, the flow of thinking is directed to improvement and negative thoughts will be easily eradicated. 10. Count your blessings and express gratitude Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. Absence of our desires will only bring discontentment and disappointment that will only waste your time. Instead, be thankful and appreciate all the blessings you do have in your life, right here, right now. That way, the message you are sending to the Universe is loud and clear, and it will respond by giving you back more to be grateful for. 5. Love yourself unconditionally Before you expect other people to love and adore you, it is always you who needs to love yourself first. Make a positive commitment to yourself, to learning, work, family, friends, nature, and other worthwhile causes. Praise yourself as much as you praise others once in a while. When you start feeling confident about yourself, positive thoughts will naturally flow to your mind. Keep a list of these top 10 tips handy and refer to them regularly. Try to get on board with them and make them a regular part of your life. You’ll feel better for sure! 6. Laugh Enjoy life. Have fun. Looking at the brighter side of life starts with pleasure. Laughter is the best medicine, so they say. A MARIA MCMAHON See contact details below 44