Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA Christmas Edition 2017 | Page 27

Representatives from the Norwegian maritime unions and the HR department at the SolstadFarstad office in Skudeneshavn Sitting from left: Andreas Bakken - DNMF Farstad, Paul Haugland - NSF Solstad, Kristian Hansen - DNMF Solstad, Gunnar Amland – NSF Standing from left: Vegar Rabben - NSOF Solstad, Jens Folland - NSOF Farstad, Kim L. Velve - NSF Farstad, Pål Jacobsen - crew manager, Per Stange - HR director, Børge Ivan Hansen - deputy crew manager both layups and layoffs, but this is done in close dialogue and cooperation with union representatives, explains Stange. Andreas Bakken, represents previous of Farstad’s sailors who are organized in the NEA. He believes the mergers of the three shipping companies have so far been good, and that SolstadFarstad is moving in a positive direction. – The company is working hard on the further development of the company and it is on the right way to safeguard the company’s financial situation, says Bakken. At the same time, he also sees that it is difficult for employees affected by the downsizing to see the positive in the company’s growth. – It is not us as a union representatives who lay off people, but it is our job to keep our coworkers best interest in mind when negotiating, he says. – The company is free to make the savings they consider necessary in the current situation, ads Rabben, but we must ensure that the process is done as fairly as possible. The seafarers employed on Norwegian terms from SolstadFarstad are currently not employed in the same company, but this happens when Farstad employees are transferred to Solstad Shipping AS as of 1 January 2018. The cooperation between the elected representatives is still well under way, and everyone expresses their support for the company’s attempt to consolidate. At the same time, they experience that it is nice to have more colleagues. The company’s representatives and the elected representatives hope things look brighter in 2018, and in the meantime, they agree that everyone has the same goal. That is to minimize the consequenc- es for both employees and the company. SOLSHIPS – DECEMBER 2017 27