Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA 04/2013 - Christmas edition | Page 7

med opplæringsansvarlig Liv Bente Mevik fikk vite hvor han skulle tilbringe den første delen av læretiden. –”Glenn Eirik, du skal til i India”, husker jeg at Liv Bente fortalte. Jeg var kjempeglad, og startet læretiden min på Normand Drott, forteller han. Senere har han gått gradene i rederiet, og i høst fikk han opprykk til overstyrmann. Denne høsten har Hansen vært på Normand Subsea som vikar før han skal tilbake til Normand Flower, som i november gikk til Mexicogolfen der skipet skal operere i en treårskontrakt for Oceaneering. Personlig og ekte om egne verdier Administrasjons- og kommunikasjonskoordinator Heine Birkeland var prosjektleder for verdifilmen, og stod også for ide, manus og intervjuer. –Tanken var at vi skulle fortelle om verdiene på en personlig måte, og bygge stolthet over det verdiene representerer, sier Birkeland. Dermed ble ca 30 ansatte fra sjø og land invitert til en prat om rederiets verdier - foran filmkamera. –I steden for å ha ferdige replikker eller innleide folk på «voice-over» , så baserte vi oss på samtaler med våre egne ansatte. Det var nok en uvant setting for de fleste, men de som deltok gjorde en veldig god jobb, og selve samtalen om verdiene våre ble på mange måter også en bevisstgjøringsprosess for oss, forteller Birkeland. Opptakene ble gjort over 3 dager, og til slutt satt de igjen med 3 timer med opptak, som ble redigert ned til en 8 minutter lang film. I den prosessen var det mange gode kommentarer og betratninger å velge i, så det var vanskelig å velge hva som skulle komme med. –Vi har fått utrolig mange positive tilbakemeldinger på verdifilmen vår, både fra folk innenfor og utenfor selskapet. Budskapet oppleves som personlig og ekte, en beskrivelse mange også gir av selskapet. Filmen er også lagt ut på Solstad Offshore sin Facebook-side, hvor den så langt er det mest delte innlegget som er registrert blant de ca 2000 medlemmene. Mange kommenterer at de er stolte av selskapet, så at verdiene våre oppleves på denne måten, tyder på at vi har oppnådd det vi ønsket med filmen, sier Birkeland. Solstads verdifilm er tilgjengelig på våre nettsider, og på Solstad Offshore sin Facebook-side. Solstad launched its campaign on values this fall, where they among others have made a film to illustrate their seven core values. A number of Solstad employees participate in the film, and Chief Officer Glenn Eirik Hansen has contributed with footage of work onboard. Hansen tells us he has been a photo and film enthusiast for a long time. - In my free time I paraglide, which I’ve filmed on a number of occasions. Then eventually I started filming while working onboard Normand Flower, Hansen says. The idea was to show friends and family home at Stokmarknes, Lofotoen how his workdays out at sea are. - Many don’t know how advanced the operations are that offshore vessels are involved in. That’s why I like to be able to show parts of what we do through recordings and pictures. Chief Officer Glenn Eirik Hansen contributed to the film illustrating Solstad’s core values. Windmill assignment on YouTube This summer Normand Flower was on an assignment for VSMC (Visser & Smit Marine Contracting) at the wind farm Meerwind, located in the maritime zone north of Helgoland, Germany. The construction vessel was installing a cable between the offshore park’s windmills, and Hansen filmed the assignment. He made a timelapse (a video clip where time goes much faster than in real life) demonstrating some of it. - I contacted Solstad and they gave me permission to post the film on YouTube. The response I’ve received both from colleagues in Solstad and the customer has been great, Hansen says. When Solstad was to make a film on its values, Administration and Communications Coordinator Heine Birkeland contacted the chief officer, who he knew had lots of photographic material from the ship. That’s how two of Hansen’s clips ended up in the film, shown for the first time at the shipping conference. - Watching your own contribution in the film was a cool experience. I believe the clips give some insight into how we work onboard, Hansen says. Apprenticeship in India The chief officer initiated his maritime career undergoing two years of secondary education on training vessel Gann. He came to Solstad as an apprentice in 2005. - Solstad was where I wanted to work, as I had heard so many positive things about the company from others who had been apprentices there. The fight for apprenticeships in the company is fierce, and I was very pleased when I was accepted, Hansen says. Each year Solstad gathers its new apprentices at the main office to give them information on the apprenticeship and the company. The apprentices are also told which ship they will work on. Hansen tells us he was told where he would spend the first part of his apprenticeship when he met with Training Manager Liv Bente Mevik. - «Glenn Erik. You’re going to India.» I remember Liv Bente told me. I was very pleased, and started my apprenticeship on Normand Drott, he says. After that he has moved up the ladder in the company, and this fall he was promoted to chief officer. This fall Hansen has been on Normand Subsea as a substitute. After that he will return to Normand Flower which in November sailed to the Gulf of Mexico where it will operate on a three-year contract for Oceaneering. Genuine and personal on values Administration and communication coordinator Heine Birkeland was project manager for the film on values, and was also responsible for idea, script and interviews. –The idea was to convey our values in a personal way, instilling pride in the values we represent, Birkeland says. Around 30 employees from sea and sea land were invited to have a talk about company values – in front of the camera. Instead of using read 䵍