and other resources. One NGO reports running a health clinic 12 miles outside
of Mosul. 45 On 14 Nov, OCHA reported: “A 10-bed trauma centre is being
established approximately 15km east of Gogachly to manage the civilian
casualties coming out of the city. The centre is semi-mobile and can be moved
further into the city as it opens up to humanitarian actors in order to minimize the
distance people injured in the crossfire have to travel to reach medical care.” 18
The prompt return of DCs to retaken areas is beneficial in terms of freeing up DC
camp capacity and in promoting stability. As ISF forces advance and secure
portions of Mosul, DCs may return to homes in retaken areas while combat
operations are ongoing in other parts of the city. To this end, ISF forces in
eastern Mosul are being tasked with “rebuilding infrastructure and
accommodating the return of displaced residents.” 5
Limiting factors for return of DCs include both security conditions and lack of
food, water, health services, etc. Security conditions also affect IO and NGO
activities, which in turn delays the provision of essential services. IOs and NGOs
depend on ISF to establish security, to include clearing retaken areas of
unexploded ordnance (UXO). OCHA cites civil-military coordination as a “critical
enabler” for humanitarian response in areas close to combat operations. As of
late November, OCHA had led more than 20 missions to “newly-retaken areas to
assess security conditions and establish humanitarian access, often just days
after the conflict has subsided. Access missions pave the way for partners to
transport emergency assistance to retaken areas in the form of ready-to-eat food,
water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health care.” 23
OCHA noted an improvement in humanitarian access when ISF consolidated
control over eastern Mosul in early January 2017. 46 The Iraqi federal police had
reassigned 3 police brigades to eastern Mosul on 12 December. 5 This decision
probably contributed to the improvement in security conditions that OCHA
reported in January. Indirect fire (IDF) from ISIS controlled areas had limited
IO/NGOs' access to retaken areas. OCHA reported a reduction in IDF in mid-
January, which also contributed to increased aid delivery in eastern Mosul. 47
The need for food aid in retaken areas has been mitigated by the rapid re-
establishment of commercial markets selling food. 47 Meeting water requirements
has proven more difficult for IOs and NGOs. Improved security in eastern Mosul
allowed UNICEF to scale up water tanker operations to deliver over 250,000
gallons per day in mid-January, but this was still not sufficient to make up for
damage to water mains and pumping stations. 47 Assessment of water treatment
plants has been delayed by security concerns. 48 By mid-February water truck
deliveries had increased to over 600,000 gallons per day. 49 Also in mid-
February, one water treatment plant came online and began serving 70,000
residents; however, service ceased shortly thereafter when its generator was hit
by IDF. As of mid-January, WHO reported that security conditions in eastern
Mosul were a limiting factor in provision of health services inside the city. 50
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