SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition | Page 4

Welcome to the December 2016 Special Edition of the U . S . Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute ( PKSOI ) Lessons Learned “ Sampler .” This edition focuses on Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons ( IDPs ).
This Sampler comes at an important moment as global displacement has reached an all-time high , surpassing levels post-World War II . According to the United Nations Refugee Agency ( UNHCR ), over 65 million people are currently forcibly displaced due to violent conflict , persecution , and human rights abuses – not to mention those displaced from poverty and climate change . The majority are displaced within their own countries as IDPs , while over 21 million have fled beyond borders to seek international protection as refugees , 54 % from three main countries of origin : Syria ( 4.9m ), Afghanistan ( 2.7m ), and Somalia ( 1.1m ).
The primary legal framework obligating nations to assist refugees is the 1951 Convention & 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees . This treaty gives refugees the right to seek international protection as well as the right to not
Refugee : " A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race , religion , nationality , membership of a particular social group or political opinion , is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or , owing to such fear , is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country ; or who , not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events , is unable or , owing to such fear , is unwilling to return to it .”
- Article 1 of the 1951 Refugee Convention , as amended by the 1967 Protocol be returned to a country where they may be persecuted ( the principle of non-refoulement ).
For the United States Government ( USG )’ s response to displacement , the U . S . Agency for International Development ( USAID ) is responsible for assisting IDPs through the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance ( OFDA ) in coordination with UNHCR and national governments , while the U . S . Department of State ( DOS ) oversees the USG ’ s refugee response via the Bureau of Population , Refugees , and Migration ( PRM ). The U . S . Department of Defense ( DOD ) may also be involved at times as refugees and displaced persons often result from armed conflict , as noted in Stability Doctrine ( JP 3-07 ), Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Doctrine ( JP 3-29 ), and the Commander ’ s Guide to Supporting Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons .
While there are many cases of displacement worldwide , this particular Sampler examines lessons specifically from the current refugee crisis in Syria , spreading beyond to Europe . It also highlights lessons from prior situations of protracted displacement ( in areas with UN peacekeeping missions ) which can offer perspectives for how to deal with ongoing crises today . Along with this selection of relevant lessons , this Sampler provides a list of resources that can serve as a “ toolkit ” for leaders , planners , and practitioners ( see page 52 ). Pertinent themes and recommendations are summarized following the lessons on pages 50-51 .
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