SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 19

d. TOPIC. Credible Institutions for Successful SSR – The Philippines ( 1164 ) Observation. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has embarked on modernizing the military establishment and reorienting its values, in order to be effective in the delivery of defense and security services to the people. A large part of this endeavor has been incorporating respect for human rights and observance of the rule of law in discharging its military duties and functions. Discussion. Security Sector Reform (SSR) is a tool for addressing an insurgency problem. A government must be able to establish a safe and secure environment in order to create the conditions conducive to development. This can only be done if the government agency or agencies concerned are capable of performing their missions, and if the people they have sworn to serve are supporting the agency/ agencies. One of the challenges of the AFP in its counterinsurgency operations was its declining credibility, especially during the martial law years from 1971 to 1981. The local populace had accused the AFP of various human rights violations. It was alleged that the military establishment acted with excessive use of military power without due regard to the basic human rights of the people in the discharge of duties. Moreove