SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 17

Advisor-Specific Predeployment Training. Intensive advisor-specific predeployment training has allowed the MoDA specialists/advisors to be immediately effective upon their arrival in Afghanistan. The deploying specialist/advisors have received seven weeks of extensive training in cultural, language, and advisory skills. The core competencies have been mentoring/ advisory skills focused on: (1) the promotion of local/host nation ownership of their programs/projects, (2) the development/design of projects that can be sustained over time, (3) the advisor's ability to demonstrate empathy, humility, and respect; and, (4) the promotion of value and of doing no harm. Deploying specialists/advisors have received intensive language and cultural instruction: 1.5 hours daily, with a ratio of one native speaker for every three students. In the latter part of the course, specialists/advisors participated in a 10-day field training exercise at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Indiana, which replicated conditions of living/operating at a forward operating base, and which tested mentoring/ advisory skills through the use of native Afghan role players and interpreters. “Embedded” Partnering. The MoDA program has placed the trained advisors directly into MoD and MoI facilities, such that the advisors have continuous interaction with their counterpart officials. This has allowed the U.S. advisor and Afghan counterpart to constantly share information and work together throughout the planning and execution of projects/activities, and, perhaps most importantly, to build trust in one another and close personal relationships. Extensive Use of Reachback. The MoDA program has encouraged extensive use reachback to draw on the full range of DoD organizations and resources. Reachback to parent and other organizations of DoD has occurred continuously. Deployed MoDA advisors have reached back to obtain such diverse resources/ tools as an "English as a Second Language" curriculum; a computer skills courses, command checklists for conducting audits; DoD procedures for weapons accountability and ammunition management; "pull" and "push" systems/procedures for delivering supplies; and, various logistics reporting tools. Security-related Manpower Development. Both the Afghan MoD and MoI have established new "recruiting and training commands" within their ministries – with responsibilities and resources for recruiting demographically representative personnel and for establishing common training standards. These two ministries also went on to implement comprehensive personnel systems that included merit-based promotion and various career paths. The MoDA program has contributed to these manpower development efforts within the MoD and MoI, and the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan was extensively involved as well. Establis