SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 15

Recommendation. In the immediate aftermath of civil war, when a "golden hour" or "window of opportunity" is presented to lay a foundation for peacebuilding and to impact and include the (former) warring factions, leaders/practitioners should immediately address the following areas of the security sector: 1. Consolidate the state's monopoly of force to uphold the rule of law. 2. Maintain momentum of reform and peace. 3. Integrate DDR and SSR in the transformation of military and police forces. 4. Operationalize "human security." 5. Mobilize "networks for peace" to counterbalance the "networks for war." Implications. If a post-conflict state does not gain a monopoly of force through prompt reform of its security sector, then it will lack the means to uphold the rule of law and may face renewed competition from insurgents, militias, organized crime, and revolutionary movements – who can challenge the state's legitimacy, threaten citizens/communities, and potentially push the state back into wide-scale conflict. Event Description. This lesson is based on the article "Wider Lessons for Peacebuilding: Security Sector Reform in Liberia," by John Blaney, Jacques Paul Klein, and Sean McFate, a policy analysis brief from the Stanley Foundation, June 2010. Comments. A related document, which discusses security sector reform in Liberia and the importance of incorporating non-state security actors and community-based approaches, is "Security Sector Reform: A Case Study Approach to Transition and Capacity Building," by Sarah Meharg and Aleisha Arnusch, Strategic Studies Institute, January 2010. Table of Contents | Quick Look | Contact PKSOI Page 14 of 33