SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 14

enemies) and let them become an integral part of the greater Liberian peacebuilding effort. Due to the downsizing of the military, however, other avenues for reintegration for most ex-combatants (economic avenues, such as public works programs) had to be pursued. Likewise, the UN and U.S. integrated DDR and SSR in the transformation of the Liberian National Police (LNP). The highly corrupt, brutal police force that had operated during the Taylor years was, unfortunately, still largely intact after the civil war. Its officers posed a significant threat to the state and to peace. In response to this threat, the United States initially put much a much higher priority and much greater attention on reforming the LNP than on reforming the AFL. The U.S. and UNMIL demobilized (purged) all unqualified policemen, vetted/ reintegrated a small number of personnel, conducted extensive recruiting/vetting/ training of new