Solarium stoves and hybrid dehydrators Sumbition form Solarioum dryers a stove | Page 2
At present, the Andean indigenous cultures The communities located in the southeastern hills
immersed in the southeastern hills of the great of Bogotá, especially those located in the Cerro
capitals, especially Bogotá, where the customs of Guacamayas, seek through the process of self-
the Quechua and the Muisca are still rooted, the management to evolve into one of the most
technological evolution important and significant urban scenarios at the
dynamics of the production systems, as well as the regional level, presenting economically dynamic
socio-cultural responses, consequence of the social solutions according to our own ecologically
exclusion to which the inhabitants of the sustainable development needs, throughout our
Guacamayas neighborhood are subjected, impacts history have been presented various forms of
the productivity axis in the social horizon, due to community struggle born in the empowerment of
the high levels of informality and the low the problem of our marginality, especially the
applicability of technological knowledge and unworthy local economic conditions. This forces
creativity in our community. us to present innovative and flexible solutions
1 The high levels of unemployment and capable of counteracting to a high degree the high
underemployment associated with the continuous levels of corruption in decision making and
changes in the ecosystem force our community to centralism, the management of the economic
modify their traditional behaviors, in search of resources allocated for social development, which
building a new individuality where we are no is why we seek
longer passive subjects in the construction of self- 1. International NGOs capable of specifying
managing communities of their own future, innovative solutions to manage and generate self-
2. Reason why we learned and understood how to employment projects that allow us to work in a
solve our own conflicts and needs. Especially from network, to mobilize the necessary economic and
preparing and consuming food and saving the technological
meager salary that is hard earned, which does not technological innovation nodes, which will allow
lead to emphasis on the design and management of us to detach ourselves from the imposed economic
clean energy restrictions, I have influenced public opinion about
3 Given our suburban nature, which gives us the seriousness of the economic situations of our
something of rural ancestry, our culture has population.
preserved 2. NGOs interested in simplifying trade processes
Whether local or global, they have specialized
knowledge in trade issues, markets and contacts in