Dates for your diary/groups/meetings
Drama, Chit Chat & Empowerment Oct. - Dec. 2013
Voice Of Us Drama: Mondays 11.30-3pm The Triangle, Hounslow.
New Drama Group: Fridays 1-3pm The Triangle, Hounslow.
Chit Chat:
Thursdays 3.30pm at Debenhams Cafe, Hounslow.
Empowerment Groups:
St. Raphaels 6-7pm: 3rd October, 7th November, 5th Dec.
Two Bridges 10am-12pm: 23rd Oct, 28th Nov, 18th Dec.
Gym group for people with learning disabilities
Join the Speak Out gym group and have a
workout at your own pace.
Isleworth Leisure Centre, Twickenham Road.
Every Thursday between 10am-12pm.
Picture: A well earned healthy picnic after a recent gym workout session.
A Speak Out group for women only!
Interesting discussions & guest speakers.
Meet at the Hounslow Civic Centre Cafe.
Meetings run from 12.30pm - 3pm on
Tue. 22nd October & Tue. 19th November.
Women’s Group Christmas party
Friday 13th December 6pm-9pm
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