-Kant, do you think that a better education of Syrian citizens, would have been important to stop the war from happening?
I will say that the education as well as the culture gives partial welfare to humanity. It´s not enough to have education and culture in Syria or any place to make better humans, morally speaking. You might be thinking that is represents a contradiction, saying that war exists is a civilized territory. Even though the culture joins the human with the art, science and education, it is also used by the States to violate others freedom, ways of life and cultures, in defense of the freedom of a few people.
-There have been may debates that argue if western powers should directly intervene to stop the war, on the other hand many individuals are against this and complain that this will intensify the conflict. What do you think of this?
I truly believe that no one should intervene in the internal affairs of the States. No State should be forced to interfere in other State´s government, unless we are talking of a moral person. Since we are talking of Syria, we refer to a civil war in where the State does not longer exist how it was. Anarchy is what prevails, and in this case the State has the right to ask for help to bring back the order and humanitarian aid. We should fight against States that put in danger the possible consolidation of a peaceful community, like is the case of Syria in where human rights are being violated.
-Talking about human rights, what do you think about the international support to show people the reality that Syria is living so they understand that this war needs to stop?
All of the massive movements that have been taking place not only in Syria, but also worldwide make us realize of the vital urgency for man to build a worldwide community in terms of fair conditions. We should give importance to the human rights and stand up against the injustices, so the we make it a symptom of moral progress of the species.
The greatest obstacle for obtaining liberty for Syrian citizens is their government. They consider their citizens as persons that are unable to distinguish what is truly beneficial or harmful to them, instead they must control them and chose what suits them best.
-Undoubtedly, the war in Syria isn't the only one happening now a day. Do you think that peace is a possibility for XXI century?
I am convinced that perpetual peace is possible to reach, as long as man is guided by his reason in order for him to leave war beside and think of peace as an end and a duty. Reason will be the only way to bring peace to Syria, and I don't mean only reason among individuals also among nations that are fighting or helping and supporting them.
-According to what you are saying peace is possible to reach. Now, the question is why we continue to have wars?
First of all, we need to understand man, he tends to socialize but also to individualize himself, he is push by ambition and desire of dominance. On the other hand, to reach perpetual or definite peace means going through some previous steps. There should be a confederation of States, in where there must not be a higher instance that controls and rules the relation between them, the states must be governed by a republican constitution, and one important thing is that the concept of global justice represents a principle with no barriers and spreads all over the world. Nature arrange war and it represents the natural state of States, nevertheless its effectiveness is not guaranteed.
To reach peace obeys a moral obligation of nations and individuals.
“There is … only a single categorical imperative and it is this: Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law”.
- Immanuel Kant
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