SOFOS Philosofoi | Page 13

"Hume is our Trade, Hume is our Philosophy, Hume is our Religion.”

-James Hutchison Stirling

-Mr. Hume. Today, there are different important topics that people have been talking about since last year. Right now, we would like to talk about the new president of the United States, Donald Trump. What do you think about him?

Donald Trump is a man that has no filter. He says whatever he wants to say, even if it isn’t polite at all. And now, it’ll be worst. He’s now the president of one of the most powerful countries on the planet, which makes him one of the most powerful men on Earth.

-What do you think of his ideas?

Like I explained in one of my books, ideas are related to the impressions we’ve perceived. All of our ideas or our weakest perceptions, are the copies of our impressions or our vividest perceptions.

He’s now internationally considered as a misogynist and racist man, right? Therefore, he had someone near him, perhaps his father or a close relative, who was racist with him, or was misandrist with him.

-Do you think that Trump’s ideas are influenciating the society in general? For example, the famous attack of the Pulse nightclub in Florida, or the attacks on people that “don’t look like Americans”.

Yes, of course they are.

-Why do you consider so?

He has a different moral as ours. I consider moral as an emotional response, not a rational one. By this, I mean that thanks to what he has experienced, he acts this way. He considers the white race as the best race, right? Those ideas came, as I mentioned it before, from an impression he lived.

If he continues to say these kind of comments,

people will create new ideas assuming this is correct thing to do, which will lead to what we are looking at today. Racist actions, that tried to be defended by the fact that the president considers this as a good treat for the others that are different from ourselves.

-And what about the international economic pacts that he has been “breaking”? How would the affect the American economy?

Mr. Trump’s ideas are simple. He wants to expand their internal economy. He wants to make “America great again”, and I assume, by this, that he wants to have a solider economy, a much stronger one. The ideas of the old mercantilists from Great Britain were the same. They prohibited the commerce of their colonies with different countries, so that they could have all the wealth. In my gold-flow theory, I argued that increased money in one country automatically disperses to other countries. It’s like a set of interconnected chambers: if I add fluid to one chamber, then, this will disperse to the others until the level is the same in all chambers. A similar phenomenon will occur if we lose money in our home country by purchasing imports from foreign countries.

" All of our ideas or our weakest perceptions, are the copies of our impressions or our vividest perceptions."