SoCultures Magazine 2018 Vol 1 | Page 19

SoCultures October 2018  Campus France CampusFrance is the product of the merger of AgenceEduFrance and two other key vehicles for university and scientific mobility, CROUS and EGIDE The creation of CampusFrance will enhance the international visibility of French educational institutions, improve France's ability to attract the best foreign students by guaranteeing them a successful academic itinerary and strengthen its tools for organizing university and research partnerships. Campus France Delhi Alliance Française de Delhi - 72, KK Birla Marg, Lodi Estate, New Delh110003 Email: [email protected] 011 - 43048128 They also have offices in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Indore, Mumbai, and Pune.  The French Institute / IFI (Institutfrançais India) The French Institute / IFI ( INSTITUT FRANCAIS INDIA) is a section of the Embassy of France responsible for connecting and implementing Indo- French human exchanges. .IFI performs numerous functions: from promoting academic and scientific exchange between higher institutes of learning and research to enabling student mobility, and promoting the French language. It also foster links between artists, scientists, NGOs, professors, enterprises, film professionals, publishers and more. We support partnerships in research and innovation, capacity-building and interactions with civil society, vocational studies, as well as artistic and cultural partnerships in performance, books, film, fashion, design and more. We support and organize forums and debates that bring together innovators and thinkers from both countries Doctor APJ Abdul Kalam Road, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110011 Contact: 011 3041 0000  The Franco Indian Education Trust It will be funded by the Indian industry and French companies in India to offer educational scholarships and merit-based financial support to Indian students. 19 | P a g e