SoCultures October 2018
An extraordinary exchange event between the two countries, it’s about coming
together of both the countries to create, innovate and partner towards a progressive
and sustainable future. The events were organized all over India in over thirty
cities across twenty states and territories. It saw exuberant synergy of friendship
with all the cultural and educational dialogues with performances, debates,
seminars and exhibitions and other innovative initiatives.”
Art in public spaces
How can art and cultures become a more powerful impact-driven movement?
“We are coordinating with the culture ministry of France to organize a seminar in 2019 about
how to develop together policy, strategy, association to make use of public spaces to display art.
For many in India feel that going to the art exhibitions, museums is not for them It’s not their
taste. That’s why we organize Bonjour
India exhibitions in outside spaces too.
Delhi scene is changing and in other cities
as well. People are appreciating arts and
cultures. And public display of arts will
bring people together.
We are not the best but we work
innovatively. Definitely we are entering
into a new era.. The initiative will ensure
that people are not deprived of education,
Indo French Heritage
“France is one of the most sought after
countries in tourism…people find its
cultural ambience and stories intriguing and
heritage fascinating. And we have several
ways to preserve our legacy. Like there is
lottery based crowd funding,
government, corporate initiatives to
revive heritage structures. But India,
in comparison is not making those
much needed big efforts. Indo-
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