Yaqoob Tahir Izhar is President/Executive Director, of Izhar Foundation for Reseacrch & Development. He is also managing director, Izhar group of Companies. He is engineer by profession and pioneer of the project, Izhar rural development model.
He has a very clear vision which he explains in these words.
“Although, I am affluent feel like wearing a three piece suit, but sitting on a filthy ground. There is so much misery, poverty, illiteracy around us in our society that I sometimes feel obligation from God to do something for them. The blessings of God turned faint out of me. It can be real and pleasurable if the environment reflects the same happiness.”
Mr. Yaqoob Izhr steps ahead and initiates projects as diversified as east and west. Expanding Izhar Group in the engineering sector he started agriculture and livestock projects. It is his nature of exploration and adventurism that can lead agricultural development in a sequel order for the development of our agricultural economy.
Mr. Yaqoob Tahir Izhar
We are not focusing merely on an agricultural development project; we have set our vision on overall rural development. It is our vision. All of us want to see a happy, prosperous and socially uplifted rural population of Pakistan with all basic facilities and with access to opportunities for continuous development. It is our desire to help foster it. The happiness I feel when I am among the olive plants, is more than that, I feel spiritually elevated.
Olive plantation though a gigantic initiative of its nature but will not solve all problems. Those problems include illiteracy, exploitation, housing, living standards of lower middle and poor classes, gender discrimination, abuse, domestic violence, torture, disability, and unemployment especially for women, minorities and between sects and castes. We must understand, face and resolve these issues at our level. We must play our role to the best of our abilities. Why we are reluctant to play our role. Is it because of the reason that we do not know what we should and can do? We must do the right thing, and never hesitate to object to injustice and to point out wrong and unfair practices.
In short, I can say: Right is righteous and wrong is a demon. Acceptance or silence in the face of for wrong is like believing in demons and non-acceptance of wrong is a virtue from God.
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Socio-business Magazine of Pakistan is an attempt to provide quality information and sharing of quality work among NGOs, social business communities, universities and research institutes, government and donor organizations.
It has a clear vision of information of right work to right persons for right decision.
For Details;
Farhan Khan
C: +92-321-4335661
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