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Message to Readers
Social sector in Pakistan needs to reshape its features by self-sustain programs. It needs to activate its system as per the norms of corporate sector by professional values, code of conduct, management systems and mitigation of cots.
NGOs need to create more earning sources and not to rely donor agencies only. These social bodies needs to create their earning sources by involving community, society and profits by their products and services. These NGOs can make themselves as self-sustain to access better donor agencies by showing their own self-sustain models.
Business community also needs to be part of social sector not only by their CSR fund but also by their projects. They can call these projects as social business. They can earn and expend with service to poor and needy communities of society. There are many modalities for them e.g. microfinance, housing, food and chain school etc.
I also recommend NGOs to invite business community in their programs and offer them projects which can provide profits and attraction to business community.
Socio-Business Journal is an initiative for business, corporate and social sector for betterment of poor and deserving communities and smooth operations of NGOs.
Farhan Khan
C: +92-321-4335661