Society Magazine 57 | Page 41

Soap or face wash ? Foam or gel ? Store-bought or hand-made ? Does it even make a difference ? Is cleansing really an important step towards good skin ? Is it worth splurging on a face wash , when it is only going to be on our skin for a minute ?

Cleansing is a very basic yet important requirement for healthy and glowing skin . And here ’ s why …
Dr Sunaina Hameed , MD is a consultant dermatologist and writer based in Bangalore , India . To know more about her , visit : www . drsunaina . com
1 ) Cleansing removes dirt , grime , excess oil and make up .
2 ) It allows your skin to breathe and prevents clogging up of pores and formation of blackheads and whiteheads . It allows skin oils to seep through to the surface , instead of building up beneath your pores and inviting bacterial overgrowth .
3 ) As we grow older , our skin does not self-exfoliate as well . Cleansers and scrubs help wash away dead skin cells . 4 ) It allows better penetration of skin care products like serums and moisturizers .
5 ) The right face wash can help your skin maintain optimum pH levels , which is necessary to retain moisture and remain hydrated .
6 ) Cleansing is essential for those who suffer from acne . And the right cleanser can help a person suffering from Eczema or Rosacea .
7 ) Cleansing is an emotional experience as well , where one feels refreshed after ‘ washing away the rigours of the day ’. Cleansing is an important ritual before offering prayers , in most customs and religions . Bathing and cleansing are a source of sensory pleasure as well .
When you skip washing your face with an appropriate face wash , your skin will begin to darken , turn dry , flaky , thick and leathery . Moisturizers will not hydrate your skin long enough . Open pores begin to enlarge and you might notice the appearance of acne and blemishes .
Finding the right face wash for your needs might take some trial and error . Most people need different cleansers for the face and body . Your face may be oily while your body might be dry . For others , the skin on their chest and back might be thick and oily while the face may be dry and sensitive . Knowing your skin type is an important step towards picking the right face wash . Consult a dermatologist for guidance .
Knowing your skin type is an important step towards picking the right face wash . Consult a dermatologist for guidance .
If you have dry skin
Select a soap-free cleanser like Cetaphil cleansing lotion . Or a cream based face wash like Avene Gentle milk cleanser . Cream based cleansers are also effective in make-up removal when used with a soft cotton pad . Avoid toner , or face washes with high alcohol content . Select a soap which contains ingredients like milk cream , shea butter , coconut oil or aloe vera . Look for products that contain the word ‘ hydrating ’ or ‘ replenishing ’ on the label . Exfoliate once or twice a week with an apricot or oat-meal containing scrub .
For oily skin
This kind of skin is more prone to acne and open pores . Select a gel or foam based face wash like the Sebamed Clear Face foaming face wash . If you have acne as well , pick a face wash that contains Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide . Look for products that carry the terms ‘ exfoliating ’, ‘ keratolytic ’ ( skin dissolving ) or ‘ non-comedogenic ’ on the label . Use a toner soon after cleansing . Wipe it across your face using a cotton pad . You can also use salicylic acid containing face-wipe pads , for all the times when water and face wash are not within reach . The Neutrogena Rapid Clear Treatment Pads , for instance . Hand-made soaps containing charcoal work well on such skin . It is important to use a scrub twice a week . Look for a scrub that contains sea salt or walnut .
If you have normal skin
You are blessed because your skin is not very difficult or demanding . However , soaps for dry skin might leave your skin oily , and soaps for oily skin might leave your skin dry . You can chose Herbal soaps , or liquid cleansers like Neutrogena Liquid , followed by a good toner . Choose a Syndet over a Soap , for example Dove soap , which isn ’ t actually a soap .
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