Society Magazine 57 | Page 19

Q Tell us more about yourself and how did you get involved in competitive sailing ?
A It all started when I was working as a sailor in the tourism industry . I got to know about Oman Sail through an advertisement in a newspaper then I decided to try my luck and I applied . It wasn ’ t easy at the beginning because I had to compete with around 1000 applicants and I had to prove myself mentally and physically . I would say , what got me involved in sailing was my passion to inspire Omani youths who are enthusiastic to become sailors .
Q The SATT route this year was a challenging one , what kind of mental preparations did you take to make sure you are ready for this kind of route ?
A I worked out in the gym every morning and tried to keep it a daily routine . Physical exercises apparently help me in staying focused and enhance my mental state . In long races , we need to stay mentally strong and to be able to be on that level of concentration and patience we should prepare well ahead .
Q Considering your experience in sailing , how do you see the future of the sport in GCC ?
A I am very optimistic about sailing in the region . There is a lot of work going on and the goals are very ambitious . We have set the standards high and are doing the smart thing by merging our old relationship with the sea – considering our geographic location – with the support of international sailing experts . Our youths are very passionate and I can see it in the eyes of Omani sailors and how they dream in reaching high levels of competitions , the Olympics for example .
Fahad Al Hasni www . society . qa 19