Society Magazine 57 | Page 10

MARCH 2017


MARCH 2017

Maggie McKenzie challenges her hoarding instincts by archiving her family history


Looking for a new way to celebrate Mother ’ s Day this year ? Read on and find out some simple ideas to make this Mother ’ s Day unforgettable .








A mother ’ s deep parental kindness in bringing us up and the hardships she has gone through will never be repaid as they are priceless .


Omani sailing star Fahad Al Hasni has always had a passion for sailing and the sea . Society caught up with Fahad to find out more about his career and his team ’ s latest sailing tour
Taking just a little time to relax and be alone throughout your week can actually help you let go of that stress and keep you on top of the madness .


The Family Archivist : Maggie McKenzie challenges her hoarding instincts by archiving her family history P . 14
‘ I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT WATER ’: Omani sailing star Fahad Al Hasni has always had a passion for sailing and the sea . Society caught up with Fahad to find out more about his career and his team ’ s latest sailing tour P . 18
Cover Stories
A Mother ’ s Day tea party : Looking for a new way to celebrate Mother ’ s Day this year ? Read on and find out some simple ideas to make this Mother ’ s Day unforgettable . P . 22
Mommy Me Time : Taking just a little time to relax and be alone throughout your week can actually help you let go of that stress and keep you on top of the madness . P . 26
‘ The day I became a mother ’: Lisa Harper , a Qatar-based Australian mother , shares her memories of being a mom - a moment when her pride of being a mother swelled to almost bursting . P . 30
A mother ’ s deep parental kindness in bringing us up and the hardships she has gone through will never be repaid as they are priceless . P . 32
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