Society Magazine 56 | Page 15

Q What are you passionate about ?
A I ’ m an art-oriented person . I ’ m passionate about photography , cinematography , theatre and music . I love anything that ’ s related to art . I ’ m also very interested in community service and I try to link those two together .
Q How ’ s art and photography a vessel for community service ?
A Photography captures a moment through the lens . I put myself in those situations and document it . It is a way for me to document my experience and share a message .
Q What concerns you ?
A Poverty is a big concern for me . This realization came after visiting Nepal . I ’ m involved in MUN ( Model United Nations ) and throughout the years I ’ ve always liked to be in the Human Rights Committee because I feel it is the most interesting . I live in Doha and feel blessed , and then there are people who are somewhere else that are exactly the same as me , but live with many struggles . It shows me not to take things for granted . If poverty was to be fixed , then that would fix all the other problems we have in the world . Most of these problems start from the scarcity of enough income .
Q Where did you first here about problems in Nepal ?
A It started from a QLC ( Qatar Leadership Conference ) the year Peter Dalglish presented about trips to Nepal . I wanted to do it , but I didn ’ t know a concrete way . I usually visit family during short school breaks . I emailed Peter Dalglish and he sent me to the company that runs the trip .
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