SV: what’s up what’s up so finally we meet lol?
Sirjarrette: Yea man, I am very excited...and I am honored you asked me to sit with you!
SV: how you feeling today Sirjarrette
Sirjarrette: Today is a great day for me, sitting with you and letting people know who I am.
SV: ok so the first question I must ask where did you get the name Sirjarrette and what does it mean
Sirjarrette: Well this is my real name, A lot of people don't know that about me and or don’t believe me and
And my mother said she always wanted people to respect me even when they didn't want to so that’s where it came from.
SV: Tell me and the readers more about you like what’s your real name, where you’re from, and how was it growing up.
Sirjarrette: Well Sirjarrette is my real name as I said before and my stage name is now Tokyo George. Which I love everything Japan. I will also talk more about that on my new project coming soon.
SV: Did you always wanted to be a singer
Sirjarrette: Yes! I always wanted to be in the industry. Some people don’t know what they want to be when they grew up…I knew lol.
SV: What age did you discover that you could sing
Sirjarrette: My mother said it was three. I laugh because I don’t remember that lol I was a baby. But when I realized was ten. I was in school and gotten into music threw my music teacher.
SV: Who inspired you to sing?
Sirjarrette: My family...mostly my grandmother and mother. They have done so much in the music world. My grandmothers used to sing in churches and were friends with a lot of the older gospel stars. My mother has sung the national Anthem for Ronald Reagan when he was in office, also traveled to Japan (which is my Loveland Lol) has sung for Japan’s prime minister so of course they played a huge part, then my music teachers all of them have disciplined me into a musician with their knowledge so I am grateful. SV: What mainstream artist inspired you the most and why do you feel you have the special connection to them
I adore Brandy. She is to me what everything an artist is to be. I have watched Brandy’s career and I have seen the mistakes and triumphs and how she handled each trial and she has overcome them. I love her. Prince… my Lord…I love him he is one of the main reason why I wanted to be an artist. He was so different and taboo as an artist and he have such a power to take over the stage oh I love it. Rihanna big fan of hers, Kim Burrell, Usher, Tank is awesome and I always was very into his voice, and Mario love his voice. So they kind gave me a lead on what music is.