Social Studies | Page 16

Sociology Course Description: This elective course offers a study of human society and social behavior. The purpose of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of how humanity is shaped largely by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that take place with those groups. The curriculum of the course is very relevant to our day to day lives and interactions with our family, friends, and classmates. Throughout the semester, contemporary social issues will be discussed in a large group and small group setting. Students will study the causes and possible solutions of these social issues. Students will engage in a variety of different activities such as discussions, experiments, case studies, observations, and class projects. An example of some the topics that will be covered in this course are research methods, theories, origins of Sociology, norms in society, influence of environment on personality development, social inequalities, and social institutions. Pre-requisites: None Grade Levels: 10-12 Terms Offered: Fall & Spring Units of Credit: 1.0 Quality Points: 0.0